Monday, December 11, 2023

 II Corinthians 3   Paul asks a question.. ".. do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you?"  Paul wondered if the church needed to be introduced to himself again.. did they need an outside recommendation.. had they forgotten that he was there first, giving them the gospel of Jesus Christ?  

"You are our letter.. " Paul proclaims.. the believers that had been taken from death to life.. from idolatry to Christ.. from hearts of stone to hearts of flesh.  "You are a letter of Christ", he tells them.. "written in our hearts, known and read by all men.. "   

A life changed forever by Jesus Christ.. where the "Spirit of the Living God" had written His Name in their hearts.. that "manifested" the Presence of Jesus.. by the power of Jesus.. this is a letter of commendation that everyone should be able to recognize.  If they were changed at all.. by knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.. it would be made known by their very lives!  

"And such confidence we have through Christ toward God." Paul's own life had been radically changed when he met Jesus.. he recognized that transformation in true believers too.  Just as we, also, recognize the Spirit of Christ in the lives of other believers. 

Yet, Paul is careful to say, " Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God."   His ability.. his competency.. to be a servant of the new covenant.. was from God.. not himself. This was a Spirit given ministry.. a life-giving.. glorious ministry.. a surpassing.. unfading.. eternal ministry .. able to remove the veil between God and men.  The ministry of Paul that changed them and was still changing them.. "from glory to glory".. transforming them by the Spirit of God.. this was the proof.. the "letter of commendation".. the only thing they needed to know.. 

Father, thank You for the transforming.. eternal .. surpassing power of the Holy Spirit.. Who writes the Name of Jesus on our hearts.. and changes us from "glory to glory" as He is manifested.. made known in our lives.  May we be letters of introduction.. letters of commendation.. that others will see Jesus clearly in us. Fill us once again, Holy Spirit, that we might overflow with love, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control.. that Jesus will be glorified !  We ask this in His wonderful Name.  Amen. 

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