Thursday, February 10, 2022

 Psalm 42  This song is for those who are in despair.. sunk down.. disturbed.. panting for God.. thirsting for the Living Water and wondering where He has gone. 

"These things I remember, and I pour out my soul within me.. " the psalmist writes.  He remembers leading the "procession to the house of God".  He remembers singing with joy and thanksgiving.  He remembers.. but wonders where those days have gone. 

It has been that kind of week for me.  The last year has been that kind of year.  The loss of my brother almost a year ago. The loss of my great-niece this past week.  The fear of covid being spread through media and the violence caused by political disruptions..  All this makes me wonder.. when is enough going to be enough with our Father in heaven.. when will the Lord Jesus come and take us to be with Him?  When will the sorrows and tears be wiped away?  When will there be true healing and abundant joy?

I'm ready..  and so was the psalmist.  "Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence."   Wait.. rest.. trust.  Remember the greatness of God, he reminds himself. "The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night." 

Where is God? He is here.  He is faithful. Hope... wait.. He is coming alongside, even now.  He is bringing us to Himself.. out of our despair and sorrows.  He will not fail.  Even the despair in itself has a purpose.. to cause us to pant for Him.. "as the deer pants for the water.. " 

Father, I need You.. every hour... fill me.. fill us with the comfort of Your holy Presence.  Help us to remember and to hope in You alone.  We wait for You and put our trust in You, for You are worthy!  Your goodness and faithfulness are unfailing. Thank You for drawing us closer today. We are looking ahead to that great day when we will see You face to face and forever know the all surpassing joy of Your great salvation.  Come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen!

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