Wednesday, February 16, 2022

 Psalm 46  God, You are my refuge and strength.  I want to hide in You. I want to stand firm in You. Waiting.. resting.. and trusting, for You are "a very present help in trouble".  You are "abundantly available"  to help me.   Your nature is love.  "God is the eternal, immutable God, who from eternity to eternity has not changed... As certainly as He created everything, so certainly does He bless everything. He can give nothing but blessing, goodness, and happiness from Himself because he has in Himself nothing else to give." ( Murray).  When I take refuge in You.. You surround me with Your goodness. 

There are many things in this world that make us fearful.. as the psalmist states.. "... the earth may change";  "the mountains [may] slip into the heart of the sea"; or "its waters [may] roar and foam." But, even if the mountains quake.. the City of God will never change. "God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved." 

Nations roar. But God reigns. 

"Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth."

We often quote the first part of that verse, but miss the wonderful truth of the second part.  He will be exalted! The whole earth... and every nation will see Him in His glory and He WILL be exalted! Hallelujah!  Lord, haste the day! It is because of this truth that we can cease our striving!

Father in heaven, we wait for You. We rest in the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord and King.  Be our help today. Whatever happens. May we know Your blessing, Your goodness, and be happy even when things don't look good for our world.  For we know that our Redeemer lives!  We know that He is coming soon and that You will be exalted in all the earth.  Until then, Lord, make us Your ambassadors to share the good news of the gospel of Christ which is able to save! In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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