Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 Psalm 41 David's life was full of struggles. He wasn't perfect and he wasn't always full of joy.  This psalm lets us see into his heart at a time when he was sick and feeling betrayed and hated. 

In the first 4 verses it seems as if David is reminding himself.. and us.. of the blessings that come with trusting the Lord and living in obedience to His Word... 

v1 "The Lord will deliver him.. "
v2 "the Lord will protect him and keep him alive.."
v3 "The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed; in his illness, Thou dost restore him to health."

Like in  Psalm 40 from yesterday.. wait.. rest.. trust... in the Lord. Let Him handle the problems and the enemies and the afflictions.. This is what David is trying to do...  Reminding himself that he is in the Lord's hands.. 

But.. David also feels free to pour out his complaints to the Lord...  His enemies are speaking evil about him. They lie to him and about him. They plan wickedness against him. They hate him. They want him to die. And the worst part of all was the betrayal from one he considered a friend. "Even my close friend, in whom I trusted.. has lifted up his heel against me." ( v9)

David prays for God's grace to heal him and to help him overcome the wickedness of his enemies.  In conclusion he again makes a statement of faith... "As for me, Thou dost uphold me in my integrity, and Thou dost set me in Thy presence forever."  The thing that he desires most is to be with God. To be doing what is right. To know that God is pleased with him. To be all that the Lord has called him to be. In spite of everything David will wait.. rest.. and trust the Lord. In spite of everything we may be facing we can do this too.. stand in faith!

Father, we see so much evil in this world.. so many that hate and lie and kill. It has touched my loved ones this week, Lord.. and I am thankful for Your Word to remind me once again that even in the midst of darkness, You are with us. We can trust You fully. We can rest in Your peace and love. We can put our hope in Your perfect plans that will bring good from even the worst of circumstances.  May we seek to stand firmly on Your Word, trusting in You to uphold us in integrity... and to be surrounded by Your Presence.  We ask for Your strength by the power of Your Spirit in us.. in Jesus' name. amen. 

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