Thursday, February 17, 2022

 Psalm 47 - The psalmist calls for the people.. for us.. to clap our hands and shout to God "with the voice of joy".   Joy.. is sometimes elusive.. at least I have found it so.  But, this psalm tells us why we can shout with joy.. "For the Lord Most High is to be feared. A great King over all the earth... " 

Joy is not in our circumstances.. nor in our selves.. at all.  It is in the sovereignty of God.  He is sovereign over people and over nations.  He is "King of all the earth".  He "reigns over the nations".  He "sits on His holy throne." 

Verse 9 says, ".. for the shields of the earth belong to God;"  He is the defender of His people. The protector and the ruler.  We do not and cannot protect ourselves from the enemy of our soul.. but when we are His, we can rest in the fact that He places a hedge.. a shield around us.. and no one can break through. 

Father in heaven,  I need You to cover me with Your Hand.. to fill me with the power of Your Spirit.. so that I might know Your joy.  You know the needs of my heart.  You know the depths of my soul.  I surrender to Your will and give You praise.  I long to see Your glory and feel Your love... to experience Your joy..   Draw near to me today as I draw near to You.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

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