Monday, November 22, 2021

Psalm 8   "Adonai! Our Lord! How glorious is your name throughout the earth!" ( CJB)  

This chapter is a song of praise to the greatness of the Sovereign God, the Creator and Master of all the heavens and all the earth. David gives us the words to express the majesty - the excellence, greatness, wonder, worthiness.. the glory of our heavenly Father. 

Our God has displayed His majesty above us.. higher than the heavens!  We look up into the night sky and get a glimpse of the vastness of His creation!  How great and mighty is our God!

God has displayed His majesty in the beauty and wonder of a newborn child.. this establishes strength.. David writes.  Jesus quoted this verse this way.. "Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babes Thou hast prepared praise for Thyself.." ( Matthew 21:16)  Praise... overcomes the enemy and silences the adversaries of God! Even.. and especially.. the praise of children!  How majestic is our Lord!

God sculpted the moon and stars.. "the work of [His] fingers"... He ordained their paths and set them in just the right spot. When we think of this truth.. which we need to do more often... it will make us more aware of how awesome He is!

"What is man that Thou dost take thought of him?"  Now, that is the question, isn't it?  Why did God choose to create such a thing.. a being who is "a little lower than the angels"... yet crowned with "glory and honor.. ".   Created beings who have been given "rule" over the works that God created.  Created beings who have authority over the domesticated animals, wild animals, birds, and marine life.. 

Yet, this is what God has done!  " How glorious is Your name throughout the earth!"

Father, Your ways are higher than our ways, Your thoughts are higher than anything we can think.  You are glorious and majestic and all powerful.. everything that has been made was made by You.  And You chose to make me.  Why would You take thought of me?  Truly, this is such an amazing thing that all I can say is "Thank You!"  I praise You and exalt Your name, Lord!  " How majestic is Your name in all the earth!" Amen. 

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