Wednesday, November 24, 2021

 Revelation 3:14-22  The final letter sent to the churches is addressed to Laodicea. Jesus introduces Himself to  them as "The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God..." 

The Amen - the trustworthy and true;  the faithful - trustworthy; the true Witness - the One who speaks the Truth.  Jesus, as the foremost of God's creation, brought "grace and truth". ( John 1:17)  Truth that "unmasks" the wretchedness of our sin.. and grace that provides a way to repentance, forgiveness, and life. 

Jesus tells the church at Laodicea the truth about their position -  they considered themselves "rich", but the truth was that they were "wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked..."  They thought they needed nothing.. but the truth was that they needed "to buy from [Jesus] gold refined by fire.. white garments.. and eye salve.." True riches - spiritual riches of salvation and a right relationship with God; white garments - the imputed righteousness of Jesus; eye salve - healing of blindness to see the Truth. 

Jesus called them "lukewarm".  They were not pleasing to Him and He was ready to get rid of them.. to spit them out.  Their apostasy and hypocrisy were disgusting to the One who desired humility, repentance, and truth. 

 Jesus will "reprove and discipline" His children.  He exposes sinfulness.  He convicts of error. He knew their deeds.. as He knows ours.  One writer put it this way.. "The church is overrun with people who have never repented - but are convinced they are right with God. " They are unmoved by the Word and unaware of their own heart condition.. 

That was the problem in Laodecia and the problem in many mainline churches today.  Yet, the promised of Jesus remains the same.. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me." 

We must open the door and allow the One who is the Way and the Truth and the Life come in and change us by His grace. 

Father in heaven,  we are so thankful for the Word Who became flesh, Who dwelt here on earth to bring us Life, and Who died for the penalty of our sins.  Open our eyes, convict and uncover our sins..  and redeem us by the blood of the Lamb. Make us all that You have purposed for us to be ..Your holy people, called by Your Name.. who stand before the throne, blameless and complete because of Jesus Christ the Lord. We need nothing else.. come Lord Jesus. Amen. 

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