Wednesday, November 10, 2021

 Psalm 4  My Bible titles this psalm as "Evening prayer of Trust in God".  David's words testify of his faith in God to hear and answer his prayers.  Yet, he starts out with this request, "Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness."  The CJB says it this way, "O God, my vindicator! Answer me when I call." 

Our God is the One, the only One who can make us right.  David gives Him the credit for setting him free, "Thou hast relieved me in my distress;"  It is to the One who saves that we come to in prayer.  It's stopping and acknowledging that we come to Him because He has made a way for us to come.. into His throne room. We call on Him to hear us, knowing that "the Lord hears when I call on Him."  We ask.. He answers.  Praise God!

David prays for others.. " O sons of men, how long will my honor become a reproach? How long will you love what is worthless and aim at deception?"  Whether David was thinking of his own sons.. or his many enemies.. we don't know, but it is a prayer that is very vital today.  So many in our world today are ready to reproach believers in Jesus Christ.. so many are enthralled with what is worthless.. so many people are set on deceiving.. scamming.. stealing.. using.. and abusing others.  The world needs Christians to pray.. more than ever!

"But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself.."  David proclaims.  When we belong to Him.. He hears us and when can trust Him fully!  Even when we are angry or fearful.. the Lord will help us so that we do not sin.

David encourages us to.. .  "Meditate in you heart upon your bed, and be still."  To do what is right.. and to "Trust in the Lord."  

His prayer is that the "light of [His] countenance" be upon [us] .  This points back to Numbers 6:24 and the blessing that the priests were commanded to speak over the people of Israel. 

"The Lord bless you , and keep you;

                                                           The Lord make His face shine on you;

And be gracious to you; 

The Lord lift up His countenance on you,

And give you peace." 

The have the light of the Lord's countenance  is to see Him with spiritual sight.. . to know His presence. This is what makes David's heart glad.. and ours as well.. "You have filled my heart with more joy than all their grain and new wine!"   His love is better than life, David is singing.. and we recognize this truth. 

"In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for Thou alone , O Lord, dost make me to dwell in safety ." 

When we know God's presence, know His love, and know that He hears us, sees us, and has us in His hands.. we also can lie down and sleep.. in  His peace. 

Father in heaven, thank You for being the God who sees us, who loves us, and who keeps us in perfect peace when our faith and confidence is in You. Teach us to trust You more.  Hear our prayers, O Lord, and lift up Your countenance upon us today. We ask this in the Name above all names.. Jesus, our Righteousness. Amen. 

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