Tuesday, November 16, 2021

 Psalm 6 This prayer-song is a plea for God's mercy.  David is deeply troubled.. his heart is broken, and he pleads for the Lord to come to him. 

Have you ever felt like this?  "I am weary with my sighing.. " David did.  He was unashamed to speak of his tears and grief.  This is hard for many people.. we try to put on a happy face.. even when we are deeply hurt. We don't want to admit that our lives are out of our control.  David willingly admits his need for help.  "Return, O Lord, rescue my soul; Save me because of Thy lovingkindness." 

The Lord answered David's prayer - "For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication. The Lord receives my prayer." 

Two observations here - first, it takes humility to admit that we are in great need of help for our hearts; second, it takes faith to proclaim God's answer before it actually comes...  David says that his "enemies shall be ashamed and greatly dismayed; they shall turn back.. "  It hadn't happened yet.. but David believed it would.. and it did. 

What might that prayer be for you?  Are you tired of your own sighing.. your own weariness, worry, fear, dissatisfaction .. weakness.. whatever it that is troubling you, whatever it is that has you crying?  Turn to Jesus, humbly confessing the need to Him.  Then, believe that He has heard your weeping. He hears your supplication, and He receives your prayer.

Father in heaven, we need You. We live in a dry and thirsty land, and we need Jesus, who is the rock in this weary place. We need You every day and every hour. Come and rescue our souls, Lord! Fill us with the Living Water once again.. fill us to overflowing. Thank You for hearing our prayers, for giving us hope and blessing us with Your grace.  Hallelujah!  Jesus reigns!  We ask for the joy of Your presence, and wait for Your answer..  In Jesus'  name we pray. Amen. 

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