Monday, November 15, 2021

 Revelation 2:18-29  This letter is to the church in Thyatira. Jesus introduces Himself as the "Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet are like burnished bronze..."  He is the One " who searches the minds and hearts; and ... will give to each one of you according to your deeds" ( v23) 

Jesus commends the church for  their "deeds.. love.. faith.. and service.. and perseverance."  But, the problem in Thyatira was the teaching of one woman.. "Jezebel" who called herself a prophetess and led the people into idolatry. Whoever this woman was, she refused to repent or give up her immoral practices. Judgement was coming to her and to all her followers who refused to repent. 

Jesus calls us to "keep [His] deeds".. (v26)  so that we can "overcome until the end."  Hold fast! Stay pure!  Keep His ways.   The deeds of the wicked will be judged severely.. and Jesus sees them all!  Jezebel and her followers participated in immorality and idolatry. They had no regard for the Word or the Spirit who was giving them the warning to repent. But, those who stayed pure.. their deeds were pleasing to the Lord. Their actions revealed their love and faithfulness.  Jesus urged them to "hold fast until I come." 

Father in heaven, I pray for the church today, that we might stay pure, doing the deeds that please You, in the name of Jesus and by His authority.  Open our eyes to what You are calling us to do.  Open our ears to heed Your voice and to turn away any that would lead us from Your Truth.  Lord, thank You for pure hearts and lives who obey Your Word and walk in Your deeds.  Help us to please You in all we do that we might be overcomers and rule with You in that great day. Amen. 

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