Friday, November 5, 2021

 Revelation 2:1-7  This is the first of the seven letters to the churches that John was instructed to write.  Each letter is introduced with a particular description of Jesus. That is followed with a message of encouragement or warning. Then each is closed with " He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."  Each is given a promise for "him who overcomes". 

This letter is addressed to Ephesus. 

First is the description of  Jesus.. "The One who holds the seven stars in His right Hand, the One who walks among the seven golden lamp stands.. "   Jesus told John that the seven stars represented the seven angels of the seven churches and that the lampstands were the seven churches.  The angels are messengers, perhaps representing the pastors.  So, we have Jesus, holding the pastor of Ephesus in His right hand.. the hand of power. He is walking in the midst of His people, the church.  It is a reminder that Jesus is with us.. close.. intimate.. fully involved in every church.. knowing their victories and their failures. 

Jesus says to the church.. "I know your deeds.. "  He knows the good works.. He knows the perseverance.. He sees everything.  The one thing that Jesus sees in Ephesus, that doesn't please Him is this.. "But, I have this against you, that you have left your first love." 

What are these "first deeds" that Ephesus did?  Acts 19 tells us about Paul's first visit to Ephesus.  When he came there were a few believers who had come to faith through the ministry of John the Baptist. They had been baptized by John who had told them to "believe in Him who was coming after him, that is in Jesus."  Paul told them about the Holy Spirit, who they had not even heard of at that point.. and they were baptized again and filled with the Holy Spirit.  The church starts with 12 men and grew from there as Paul stayed about 2 years teaching them.  Many miracles were done in Ephesus during that time.  There was a great spiritual battle happening also.  As evil spirits were being cast out and many people came "confessing and disclosing their practices."  It came to the point where it was revealed that there were many who practiced magic.  A great many brought their magic books together and burned them up.. so many books that the price was estimated to be worth 50,000 pieces of silver. 

What were their deeds?  Repentance. Sacrifice. Surrender.  They had overcome a great spiritual darkness and the "word of the Lord.. was growing mightily and prevailing." ( Acts 19:20)

The Ephesians were persevering. They were discerning. They were not growing weary. But, they were not loving Jesus as they did at first. They needed to return to the place of surrender. They needed repentance.  They needed to overcome once again... whatever was keeping them from fully loving God and one another. 

"To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God."  Jesus promises them.. and us. 

John wrote so much about loving God..about obedience to His commandments .. about loving one another.. . Jesus told us that "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."  His commandment is for us to "love one another ". He is continually calling us.. His bride, the church , to lay down our lives, take up our crosses, and follow Him. As He walks among us.. in our church.. He wants us to know that He sees our deeds and He desires us to love.. to surrender..  to sacrifice.. and  to repent when we have failed to truly love. 

Father in heaven, we bow before You, humbled and willing to give You our whole hearts. Lord, direct our hearts into Your love and into the steadfastness of Christ.. according to Your holy Word, that we might also overcome.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 

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