Monday, November 29, 2021

 Psalm 10  "Why dost Thou stand afar off, O Lord? Why dost Thou hide Thyself in times of trouble?"

Sometimes.. more often than we would like.. it seems as if God is far away.  We know, and we believe.. that He is always with us and will never forsake us.. but we feel abandoned sometimes. The psalmist here is feeling that God is ignoring the sins of the wicked and the plight of the righteous.  But, the truth is that He has done neither.  Praise the Lord who is "King forever and ever" !

Wicked people are simply people who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. We were all in that category at one time, until we heard the good news about Jesus and called upon His Name so that we could be saved from sin and death and the coming judgement.  

The psalmist gives a description of wickedness.. in case we weren't sure:

They are prideful.
They pursue and afflict others.
They devise plots against others.
They boast of their desires.
They are greedy.
They curse and spurn the Lord.
They are haughty.
They do not believe there is a God.
They do all they can to prosper.
They do not fear judgement.
They believe they can defeat any enemy.
They curse, lie, and speak wickedly.
They lurk about looking for trouble.
They kill. 
They spy.
They stalk their victims. 
They crouch down to await their prey. 
They do not believe that God sees what they are.. 

But, He does. The Lord is on the side of the humble.. the orphan.. the oppressed.  He hears our cries.  He will vindicate His children. He strengthens our hearts.  Hallelujah! Our God reigns.

Father in heaven, let the evil of the wicked cease!  Please establish righteousness . Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your Name be hallowed, exalted, and proclaimed in all the earth! Father, we call to You in times of need, putting our trust in You, no matter the circumstances.  In a world of darkness, we come to the Light.. to the Lamb of God, our Savior and King. We cling to You, Jesus, abiding in Your Word and giving our whole hearts to You.  You are our refuge and strength, our help in times of troubles.  In these truths we stand, by the power of Your Spirit within us. Amen and amen. 

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