Tuesday, November 2, 2021

 Psalm 1 "Blessed..."   More than just happy.. to be blessed is to be secure and comforted.. to be grateful and at rest in the Hands of our God.  We "feel" blessed at times.. when we look.. really look at our lives and count our "many blessings" that the Lord has given us.  Like our families, or our circumstances.. or whatever.  But, Psalm 1 tells us that, even if we don't feel it..

v1-2   We are blessed if we have found the Word of the Lord to be our delight and we think about what He has revealed to us from His Word.. if it has become so dear to us that we find our thoughts returning to it again and again. When we learn to  prefer His voice over the voice of the wicked, the sinners, or the scoffers.  Jesus said, "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you."  What is more blessed than that?

v3-4 We are blessed.. when the Spirit of God is our source of life.. He is the  Living Water that we are planted into, so that we are fruitful.. alive... a blessing to others as we prosper by His grace.  Without Him we dry up and blow away.. "like chaff which the wind drives away". 

v5-6 We are blessed.. because the Lord is with us.. He "knows the way".. He guides our steps ... "He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name' s sake."  The wicked walk a different path.. they will not stand when they face the judgement of the Lord. They cannot join the fellowship of the Kingdom. They "will perish". Every step with Jesus is a blessed one!

Father in heaven, God of all blessing, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, we thank You and praise You, blessing Your Name!   You have chosen us to be Your own. Thank You! You have made us Your children by the "kind intention of [Your] will".  You have redeemed us by the blood of the Lamb.. forgiven us our trespasses.. and lavished Your grace upon us.  You have made known Your will to us and given us the promise of an eternal inheritance...to the praise and glory of Christ our King. ( Eph. 1)  Father, let the Springs of Living Water flow through us today, that we might produce true fruit.. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control.. to the glory of Your Name!  In Jesus, our gracious Shepherd, we come to ask these things, according to Your will. Amen. 

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