Tuesday, November 9, 2021

 Revelation 2:8-11  This is the second church, the church in Smyrna,  to be addressed by the Lord Jesus.  

Here Jesus describes Himself as the "first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life.. "  Jesus is first - foremost, before, best, chief.. first in time, first in place, first in order or importance..  Jesus is the last - the lowest or the uttermost.  From the foremost to the uttermost!  The Greek here suggests contiguity - always in contact, always near, always touching.. from the beginning to the end.. Jesus touches everything!  Not only that, but, Jesus reminds His church that He was dead.. but is now alive.. 

In other words.. death is not the end.. Jesus is!

These truths are comforting.. especially in light of the message given to Smyrna - they were suffering greatly - with "tribulation and poverty". They were persecuted.. and Jesus tells them that more persecution was coming..but, He says..  "Do not fear what you are about to suffer. "  They would be tested. They would be thrown in prison. Some would be put to death. 

They did not have to fear.. for the promise  to those who remain faithful is a "crown of life".  To overcome would preserve them from "the second death".  And, they did not have to fear, for Jesus would never leave them.. He was there.. as He is here.. touching everything.. in every time.. in every place.. from the beginning until eternity.  He leads us by His example. He tasted death.. for us.  He suffered too.. so He understands our fears and our sorrows.  We can trust Him.. no matter what we are facing. 

Father in heaven, we thank You for the grace that You have shown to us, giving us such a Savior, who overcame death and grants to us eternal life.  Praise to the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb! Draw us nearer. .Grant to us faith and courage to stand firm, no matter what. Abide in us and we in You, to the praise and glory of Your Name.  Amen. 

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