Friday, October 1, 2021

 Job 32-35  A new character joins the conversation.. Elihu.  As a younger man, Elihu has listened to the arguments, but when the three friends become silent, he can no longer hold back. In anger, Elihu voices his own opinion on Job's situation.  Chapter 32 in a nutshell is his bold declaration.. "For I am full of words; the spirit within me constrains me.... let me speak that I may get relief..

Chapter 33 Elihu is sure that he is speaking for God.  All that Job has claimed, Elihu says, is "not right.. For God is greater than man. Why do you complain agains Him, that He does not give an account of all His doings?"  And, perhaps Elihu is right in this. However, he goes on to claim that God will speak to men in dreams and visions, when they are asleep.. and they will learn then to repent. Then God will provide a ransom and restore them to health. 

Chapter 34 - Elihu is not done. In this chapter he defends God's right to do what He has the right to do.  Job has claimed that he is righteous and that God was not right to allow the pain and sorrow to fall on him.  Elihu says, "Listen to me, you men of understanding. Far be it from God to do wickedness, and from the Almighty to do wrong." ( v10) Elihu's argument is that God is always right, always just, and always knows the heart of every man.  His conclusion is this, "Job ought to be tried to the limit, because he answers like wicked men. For he adds rebellion to his sin; he claps his hands among us, and multiplies his words against God." ( v36-37) 

Chapter 35- Elihu continues - he accuses Job of thinking that his own righteousness is more than God's.  He makes the point that God is so much higher than man, that it makes no difference to Him if a man sins or doesn't sin.. it doesn't change Him.. it just changes the man.  Job's cries to God have not been answered.. yet. Elihu tells Job to wait.. "The case is before Him and you must wait for Him!" (v14)

When I get to this portion of Job.. I can hardly wait to get to the end!  For God is about to speak. The next two chapters are Elihu's message about who God is.. and it is worth further study. But,  I can't wait til we get to chapter 38! 

Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word and for the Spirit Who helps us to hear Your voice. Thank You that we can know that You are righteous and You are able to judge each of us with complete perfection. We know that we are in need of a ransom.. and are so thankful for Jesus Christ who came to ransom us from sin and death.  Christ is all and is in all!  Hallelujah!  May we learn to wait on You.. always.. for You are King Eternal and You know us and have already provided for every need. You have given us the gift of Life and salvation through Jesus!  May we trust You fully for every day and every need. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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