Friday, October 8, 2021

 I John 1  John begins this letter with a testimony - ".. what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the Word of Life.. "  He shares his first hand experience of walking with Jesus.  John called himself the disciple that Jesus loved.  He loved and followed Jesus and never turned back. He now testifies of the Truth of the Word. 

 John says, ".. the life was manifested.. " - Jesus came in the flesh and John personally witnessed "the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us. "  He walked with Him, shared food with Him, slept next to Him, and stood at the cross before Him.  John also saw the empty grave, was in the locked room when Jesus appeared, and stood watching when Jesus went up into the cloud. 

John tells us that he is writing "that [his]  joy may be made complete."  What gives him this joy? That all who hear this proclamation he is writing will "have fellowship with us... with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ." 

Fellowship - koinonia - communion, partnership, sharing.. communicating.. partaking together;  To have fellowship with another is to have an intimate relationship - sharing life.. not just and occasional meal... And, in this case, the life we share with the Father and the Son -is eternal.  This is John's purpose in writing. It is his deepest desire and greatest prayer. John is writing to those who are confused, deceived, mistaken, or doubting.  His love for those he is writing to is evident throughout the three letters. So, as we read and think on these things.. may we receive them as such.. a love letter written to tell us what our dear friend knows from his life walking beside Jesus on the dusty roads of Israel. 

Father, bring us into this divine fellowship with You, our God and with Jesus, Your Son. Break down every barrier, every veil, every burden.. that keeps us from true fellowship with You.  Teach us through this letter.. things that will draw us closer, encourage and strengthen our faith, and refresh our tired souls. Open our ears to hear and our hearts to receive Your Word of Life.  We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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