Wednesday, October 13, 2021

I John 2:9-11  John is writing to correct the thinking of believers who either believed that :a) they could not  be held accountable for their sins because of the new covenant of grace; or b) they were perfectly cleansed from sin and their sin natures had been eradicated.  

He has expressed the desire of the Father and the Son.. and himself to have intimate fellowship and partnership together with all believers. He has explained the void between darkness, where sin hides and which leads to stumbling and destruction.. and Light- which shines, exposes, and reveals.. for "God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all." 

The Truth is.. John says.. we still have a sin nature and we are still accountable for the way we live.  The good news is that Jesus Christ is our Advocate.. and when we fail.. when we fall short of His righteousness.. He is the propitiation.. the atonement for all sin.  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

John asks his readers.. us.. to look at our own lives.. to examine ourselves closely.. to test ourselves - to "know that we have come to know Him.. ".  Are we living.. walking "in the same manner that He (Jesus) walked" ?  Are we obeying the premier commandment?  Do we love God? Do we love each other?

In these next verses John again addresses the difference between walking in light and walking in darkness.  If we are walking in love for each of our brothers and sisters... then we are walking in light. If we hate our brother.. or sister.. then, we are walking in darkness and "do not know where [we] are going because the darkness has so blinded [our] eyes." ( 2:11)

Hate is a pretty strong word.  We might think of the strong emotional reaction we have to someone who has hurt us or someone we love.  It is often a reaction to another because of jealousy or envy.  It often brings about a desire to retaliate or seek revenge.  But, the Lord calls us to love our enemies.. to pray for those who hurt us.. and to allow Him all vengeance.  On the other hand, Jesus spoke of hate in a different way in Luke 14:26 "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother... yes, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple."  In this case, the word hate is a comparison meaning to love less.. We are to love God first.. and others less.. in comparison.  

So when John asks us to examine our love for our brothers and sisters, he is asking us if we are moving towards loving them more.. or walking away and loving them less.. Are we moving towards the light, allowing God's Spirit to work in us that work of righteousness that will produce love for our brothers.. or are we choosing darkness.. hiding in our hearts the bitterness, jealousy.. that hatred for them. If so.. we need to reach out to our Advocate again..

Father in heaven, You are Light and in You there is no darkness. Praise Your Holy Name. Thank You for the power of the Lamb that is given to us through Your Holy Spirit, to produce in us the fruit of love.  Like everything else.. we can not do anything except through abiding in Christ,. and we are unable to truly love You or others.. unless we receive that Love from You.  Oh Lord, we desire to walk in the Light as You are in the Light and to give You our whole hearts, minds, and souls.. Fill us again Spirit of God, draw us into the love of God and the steadfastness of Jesus our Lord and our Advocate.  We pray in His powerful name. Amen. 

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