Wednesday, October 6, 2021

 Job 39  With every question that God asks Job.. there is an unspoken declaration that what Job cannot do.. God has done.   He asks Job "Do you know the time the mountain goats give birth? Do you observe the calving of the deer?"  Of course, Job does not.. but the truth is.. God does! The message here to Job.. and to us .. is that God not only knows.. but is intimately involved with all of His creation and He is far greater than anything we can know or understand!

God knows the months of a deer's or goat's pregnancy.. and when they will give birth.  He sees the delivery and the growth of the offspring! (v2-4)  Think about that! Makes me think of David's words..  "For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb, I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well.." ( Psalm 139:13-14)  He knows the number of hairs on our heads.. He knows us perfectly!

God provides for the wild donkey.. "To whom I gave the wilderness for a home.. " He made it to be free, to "explore the mountains.." and to search for "every green thing." ( v5-8) If God has a plan for wild donkeys.. how can we doubt His plans for us?

God made the wild ox.. and Job cannot make it serve him. He cannot bind it with ropes or use it to "harrow the valleys."  He cannot trust it to do his work or harvest his grain.  God has a whole different purpose for some beasts. And He has a purpose for mankind... for you and for me. 

God tells Job about the ostrich.  She flaps her wings "with the pinion and plumage of love".. but then abandons her eggs in the ground.  She doesn't care if they are crushed or trampled. She is unconcerned about the outcome.. "Because God has made her forget wisdom, and has not given her a share of understanding."  He has, however, given us the path to wisdom.. and it begins with "the fear of the Lord." 

What about the horse?  "Do you give the horse his might?" the Lord asks Job.  No, but God did.. He made it to "leap like the locust".. to be majestic and powerful.. and strong, and fast. The hawk soars... stretches out its wings and flies.  The eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high.. it lodges on the cliff where it can spy out his food and provide for its young.  God asks Job.. " Is it by your understanding.."?  

"Then the Lord said to Job, 'Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it.'"  And all Job can say is.. "I am insignificant..."

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name!  How great and mighty and wonderful is our God!  We fail to remember.. we fail to even realize  and acknowledge Your transcendance.. that You are exalted far above the created universe... that human thought cannot even imagine You!  We are all insignificant and insufficient in Your Presence, Lord.  Forever You stand apart in "light inapproachable".  Open our blind eyes and fill us with new understanding of Who You are.. there is none like You. "Thine is the greatness and the dignity and the majesty. All that is in heaven and the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, O God, and Thou art exalted as head over all. Amen. " ( Tozer)

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