Thursday, September 30, 2021

 Job 29-31  Job's last long discourse is presented in these three chapters.  Chapter 29 is Job's look at his past . He felt God's blessing on his life and his family.  "Oh that I were as in the months gone by, as in the days when God watched over me; When His lamp shone over my head, and by His light I walked through darkness;"  Everything was "perfect" in the days prior to that one day when Job lost everything.  He was blessed with his children, his wealth, his position in society.. "... my steps were bathed in butter.." He felt like a king, was treated with respect and maybe even reverence. 

Chapter 30 "But now.. "  Everything changed for Job that day.  Now he was being mocked, scorned, and threatened.  He was a broken man. "and now my soul is poured out within me."  Job's deepest sorrow was that he felt abandoned by God. "He has cast me into the mire, and I have become like dust and ashes. I cry out to Thee for help, but Thou dost no answer me; I stand up, and Thou dost turn Thy attention against me." ( v19-20)  Job says he is "mourning without comfort;"  No one.. not even God.. seems to care for him in his present state. 

Chapter 31 - Here Job chronicles his "righteousness".   He is willing to take the consequences of anything he is guilty of.. but.. he asserts.. he isn't guilty!
He hasn't allowed his eyes to wander. 
He hasn't walked in falsehoods. 
He hasn't deceived anyone. 
He hasn't been unfaithful to his wife. 
He hasn't mistreated his servants.
He hasn't neglected the needy. 
He hasn't oppressed the orphans. 
He hasn't trusted in gold or wealth. 
He hasn't worshiped the sun or moon. 
He hasn't spoken evil or cursed anyone. 
He hasn't refused help to the alien at his door. 
He hasn't even mistreated his land. 
Job knows that God sees his ways and numbers his steps.  God knows what he has and has not done. His appeal is to the God who sees.
And God is about to answer. 

Father in heaven, You see me. You know me. All that I have done, that I shouldn't have.. all that I have not done that I should have.  It is true for every single one of us.  Our lists mean nothing when it comes to You.  For all our "righteous deeds"  as Isaiah wrote, "are like a filthy garment". We  look to You, our Lord.. "Thou art our Father, We are the clay, and Thou are potter; and all of us are the work of Thy hand. " Our  only hope is You.  Oh how thankful we are for the forgiveness of our sins through Christ Jesus our Savior!  Thank You that we are IN Christ and He is in us.  We are clothed with the righteousness of our Lord, who gave Himself up to the cross so that we might be Yours forever.  We praise and worship You with all our hearts.  Father, You see those who are suffering right now. Those who feel abandoned and have no comfort. Answer their cries, Father.  Remind them that You were with Job even when he felt hopeless.. and You will be with them through it all.  We are Your people and we will trust You fully. Help us to do so more and more.  In the name of Jesus, who never forsakes us, we pray. Amen. 

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