Monday, October 4, 2021

 Job 36-37   Elihu offers his "knowledge" about God, saying.. ..  "I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker".   He speaks of God's might and understanding. He speaks of God's justice.  He speaks of how God helps the righteous and destroys the wicked.... 

Elihu believes that God will speak to those who have sinned.. "and He opens their ear to instruction and commands that they return from evil. If they hear and serve Him, they shall end their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasure." (v10-11)

God punishes the godless but "delivers the afflicted in their affliction...".  Elihu pleads with Job to repent and turn away from evil.  "Behold, God is exalted in His power; who is a teacher like Him?"  Because is so great, Elihu says, "... God is exalted and we do not know Him; the number of His years is unsearchable."   Elihu uses this example to show the greatness of God:

"For He draws up the drops of water,
They distill rain from the mist, 
Which the clouds pour down,
They drip upon man abundantly,
Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds,
the thundering of His pavilion?
Behold, He spreads His lightning about Him,
and He covers the depths of the sea."

(Let the scientists examine that passage!)  Elihu states that this is all part of God's judgement of people.
Not only that, but God "gives food... commands [lightning] to strike." and "declares His presence" with the noise of thunder. 

Chapter 37 continues with the emphasis on thunder.. "Listen closely to the thunder of His voice, and the rumbling that goes out of His mouth... He thunders with His majestic voice; and He does not restrain the lightnings when His voice is heard. God thunders with His voice wondrously, doing great things which we cannot comprehend." ( v2-5)
Verses 6-12 Elihu speaks of winter.. snow and ice.. that come from God.  In verse 13 he makes this declaration: "Whether for correction, or for His world, or for lovingkindness, He causes it to happen. Listen to this Job, stand and consider the wonders of God. Do you know that God establishes them, and makes the lightning of His cloud to shine?"

Elihu challenges Job's accusations against God.. how can he say anything to the One who is "perfect in knowledge"?  Elihu's final words are .... "Around God is awesome majesty. The Almighty - we cannot find Him; He is exalted in power; and He will not do violence to justice and abundant righteousness, Therefore men fear Him; He does not regard any who are wise of heart." 

In other words.. to Elihu, God is awesome.. but completely unapproachable.. 

At this.. God Himself comes to speak. 

Father in heaven, we know that You are perfect in all of Your ways. You are perfectly just and perfectly holy.  But, we also know that You are not unapproachable. We praise Your Name and give thanks that You have loved us so much that You sent Jesus Christ to ransom us from sin and the grave... to open up the way for us to come to You.  Thank You for amazing grace.. undeserved favor.. that You have chosen us for Yourself, called us to follow Jesus, the Lamb of God, and given us Your Spirit so that we might truly know You.  Thank You that we can hear You.. not just through thunder and lightning and judgement.. but through the Living Word.  Draw us ever closer to Your heart we pray. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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