Thursday, October 28, 2021

 II and III John  - These two books are personal letters from John, the first to a congregation and the second to a friend.  Both emphasize the desire of John's heart - to see his "children walking in the truth". 

In II John there is a warning similar to I John about false teachers who were proclaiming a false Christ.... "Those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh."  John calls them "the deceiver and the antichrist".  Over and over again, John urges his readers to walk in truth.  We need to know who Jesus is and to walk according to this Truth. We must be in the Word continually!

In III John, addressed to Gaius, a dear friend of John's, the message is both a commendation of Gaius' faithfulness and a condemnation of Diotrophes, a man who was not walking in the truth at all.  Diotrophes was arrogant and wicked.  He would not listen or receive the truth from John. He was leading others down the wrong path. 

"Beloved, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God."  John instructs us again to be discerning, to be careful to stay in the truth.  I am reminded again of John's love for God's children and his desire that we have fellowship with the Father and the Son.. ( I John 1:3).  To walk in the truth, to discern the counterfeit, and to truly obey God's commandments.. we need to be constantly abiding in fellowship with our God. We must be in the Word continually!

Father in heaven, we belong to You.. because we have acknowledged and trust in Jesus Christ, Your Beloved Son, who came in the flesh.. who died on a cross.. who rose again in victory over sin and death! We ask that You keep us walking in the truth.  Give us understanding and discernment so that we are ever faithful, serving You... keeping Your commandments.. and loving You with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength. May we imitate Jesus.. doing what is good.  We desire to be good and faithful servants that give You all our worship and praise and trust.  Thank You for loving us... for loving me. Fill us with that love that we may love one another..  We love You Lord. Amen. 

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