Tuesday, October 26, 2021

I John 5:1-12  When we are truly  "born of God"  we are able to love one another as He loves us.  We also have an abiding faith in Jesus Christ and proclaim Him as Savior.  By these,  our faith and  our love, we can know that we "have eternal life".   

Our lives will reflect the love of God as we obey His commandments.. which "are not burdensome".   The Bible Knowledge Commentary(BKC)  says this.. "A person who obeys God's commands is doing what is right, both toward God and toward his fellow believers and is thus loving both God and them.  But it must be remembered that this includes the willingness to sacrifice for one's brother."

As children of God, abiding in His love we "overcome the world."  The Word of God is given to us so that we can know God's directions for overcoming the world.  This is His plan for all who have been "born of God".. We have a faith that is "the victory that has overcome the world."  Hallelujah!

John helps us to understand this even more. 

"And who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" The BKC explains... "This suggests that such faith is the secret of his continuing victory and , for that reason, obedience to God's commands need not be burdensome." 

John wants his readers to make sure that their faith is in the True Son of God.. (remember that he was countering the teaching of anti-christs.. false teachers).   Jesus Christ.. the True Son.. came  "with the water and with the blood."  Also the Spirit.. who is truth.. bears witness in agreement with the water and the blood.  

The BKC helps explain what this means.  The "water"  may be referring to the baptism of Jesus "by which His public ministry was initiated."   Matthew 3:16-17 tells us that when Jesus came up from the water of baptism the Holy Spirit descended as a dove and "a voice out of the heavens " said "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." 

The "blood" then refers to the crucifixion "by which His earthly work was terminated.   One false teacher was suggesting that the "divine Christ descended on the man Jesus as His baptism and left Him before the crucifixion.."  John is refuting this false teaching here.  The Holy Spirit's witness joins with the witness of the water and the blood to show that "one single divine Person, Jesus Christ was involved in these events." 

In other words, this is God's testimony regarding His Son, and to believe otherwise is to call God a liar. God's witness is this, John continues, "that God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life." 

Father in heaven, we are reminded again of the greatness of Your grace.. that You have loved us and given to us a perfect Savior, Jesus Christ, Your Son, who became the propitiation for our sins.  You have brought us to faith in Him and have poured out Your love through Him, transforming us for eternity!  Thank You Father!  Keep us in  Your ways and in Your Truth, Lord God.  May Your Spirit continually fill us with Truth and Love and faith, by Your grace and for Your glory.  Thank You Jesus, for You are our everything.. our Savior and Sanctifier, our Healer and our King.  Praise to Your Name. Amen. 

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