Thursday, December 31, 2020

  I Timothy 1 -Paul's letter to Timothy is filled with so much to meditate on.. I hardly know where to begin.  

Verses 1-2 are the introduction and remind us that Paul considered himself to be an apostle "according to the commandment of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus, who is our hope." Jesus - our hope - our expectation and our confidence.  Our only Way. The only Truth. Our true Life.   Paul proclaims in verse 15 "It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all."  It was because of the more than abundant grace of the Lord that he was shown mercy and received faith and love in Jesus.  It was the "perfect patience" of Jesus that was demonstrated in Paul's conversion. 

It is the same for every single one of us. 

Jesus is our hope. 

He came to save sinners - every one of us. 

He has perfect patience and abundant grace. 

It is His mercy that brings us to belief.. to true faith. 

Verses 3-4 explain that "strange doctrines... myths and endless genealogies"  will not lead to faith.  These lead only to "fruitless discussion" and turn people away from the truth. 

V5 "But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 

Not even the Law could bring those results, Paul says, unless it is used "lawfully".  The Law was given to make people aware of how "lawless.. rebellious.. ungodly.. unholy.. and profane" we really are.  Immorality - heterosexual and homosexual; kidnapping; lying; murdering; and anything else that the Bible says is sin - is Sin.  These do not come from a pure heart.  They will not give anyone a good conscience. And they are not actions that come from a sincere faith. These actions will only bring God's wrath and judgement. 

Most of all.. we can only be delivered from Sin by the mercy of God who has given us "the glorious gospel" - All who believe in the One who came into the world to save sinners - who put their trust in Jesus only - and who keep "fighting the good fight" by walking in faith and keeping a "good conscience" will be the only ones who will have eternal life. 

Like Paul, before he met Jesus, we were all ignorant of the truth, not knowing or understanding God, and faithless in our disbelief.  But, by His grace, we were shown mercy, and given faith and love in Christ Jesus.  To all who truly believe, we are given a sincere faith - without hypocrisy, unfeigned, fully relying on Jesus - and a good conscience - understanding, awareness, a consciousness of the Truth. 

Not a myth.  Not a Law.  Not a human heritage. Nothing but Jesus Christ, Who died to pay the price of our sin debt.  Oh how we love Him! 

Father in heaven, You are the "King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God" and we give You honor and glory forever and ever! Thank You for the grace that You have shown to us and the mercy You have  poured out on us through Jesus Christ our Lord.  I pray, Father, that You would look on those who are ignorant and unbelieving - family members, friends, countrymen, and others - and that by Your Grace You would show mercy- that many more will also  find Jesus, who came in to this world to save sinners. It is in His Wonderful Name that we pray... Christ Jesus, our hope. Amen. 

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