Monday, December 14, 2020

 II Kings 11-12 Athaliah, Ahab's daughter, wife of Jehoram, and mother of Ahaziah.. saw that her son was dead.  Jehu also killed her mother, her husband,  Joram ( Jehoram) , king of Israel, and 70 of her brothers. So, she took her revenge.  She ordered the killing of every one of the "royal offspring". 

 But, Jehosheba, the sister of Ahaziah, took Joash, Ahaziah's infant son, and hid him.  

Joash was hidden in the temple for 7 years while Athaliah made herself queen of Judah and ruled the land. 

Finally, the time came when Jehoiada, the priest, brought in the army and arranged for Joash to be anointed king of Judah.  Joash was 7 years old at the time he became king. Athaliah was put to death, Baal altars were once more torn down.  And Judah was quiet... for a while. 

Joash did well as long as Jehoiada was alive.  He had a desire for the temple to be restored. When the priests and levites failed to make the repairs, he arranged to pay the workers directly.  So the repairs were made.  But, after Jehoiada died, things changed.  Because of Joash's rebellion against the Lord, war returned to Judah and Joash was killed by his own servants.  He had reigned for 40 years. 

Father in heaven, we know that You do not grow weary or tired.. but You do see the sinful hearts of man and we wonder how You can be so patient.  Life and death are in Your hands.  These kings and queens of Israel and Judah failed... over and over and over again.  Failed to be faithful.  Failed to lead with godliness and courage.  Failed to remember the grace and mercy and goodness that You had shown to them.  We fail too, Lord.  We get caught up in earthly worries and distractions.  We get burdened down by our desires for power or revenge or whatever...  Yet, when we repent and seek You... You forgive us.. when we pray- You remember us.. You hear us and  do great things.  So we praise You and offer up our sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise, in awe of Your great love and grace.  Blessed is the Name of the Lord!  Lead us in Your paths of righteousness and bring us the joy of Your salvation, for we ask this in the Name of our Gracious Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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