Friday, December 4, 2020

II Kings 3-4  Elisha became known as the man of God.  Jehoshaphat testified, "The word of Adonai is with him."   These two chapters recount some miracles that God performed through Elisha. 

Jehoram, king of Israel, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, and the king of Edom joined forces to go up against Moab who had rebelled against Israel.  They made a journey of seven days and found no water for their armies or animals. They went to Elisha and he helped them,  but only because of Jehoshaphat. Elisha told them to dig trenches throughout the valley and overnight the Lord filled those trenches with water. He also told them that they would have victory over Moab. 

Take note of verse 18 - "and this is but a slight thing in the sight of the Lord; He shall also give the Moabites into your hand."  A dry and arid valley - filled with water for 3 armies and all their animals... is but a slight thing in the sight of the Lord!  May we remember that Nothing Is Impossible with our God!

Chapter 4 begins with the account of a widow who was about to lose her children to slavery because of debt.  She only has one thing - a flask of oil.   Elisha tells her to borrow as many empty vessels as she can, go into the house, shut the door, and fill all the vessels from her flask.  She fills every one and sells it all to pay off her debt and have enough to survive afterward.  "Bring your vessels, not a few!" we sing, based on this miracle.  We must remember that with God.. Nothing Is Impossible!

Verses 8-37 tell the story of the Shunammite woman, who welcomed Elisha to her home and even prepared a room where he could stay whenever he traveled that way.  The woman had no children and Elisha blessed her for all she had done for him by telling her she would conceive and she did.  But, then the child died. The woman came to Elisha and instead of telling him what happened, simply clung to his feet.  Elisha did not know what happened but he sent his servant to put his staff on the child.  He went with the woman to her home and prayed.. laying not just his hand but his whole body on the child so that the child was brought back to life.  Impossible?  Not with our God!

Verses 38-41 tell of Elisha neutralizing a poisoned stew so that the prophets could eat it. 

Verses 43-44 tell of a miracle of 20 loaves of bread being mutliplied so that 100 men could eat and have some leftover. ( Reminds us of Jesus who took 5 loaves and fed thousands!) 

When we read of these miracles we are reminded of the greatness of our God.  We forget somehow that God has not changed.. He is still in the business of doing the impossible!  We can trust Him - for bread and for water, for our children, and for our lives.  To God be the glory for great things He has done and will do!

Father in heaven, You have not forsaken us and You never will.  May we learn from Your Word to trust You in all things - in a pandemic.. in a sin-sick world.. in our worries and our fears.  We place our trust in You for You are our refuge and our strength.  Prepare us for the days ahead and help us to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand firm in Christ Jesus our Lord. We seek You Lord for every day and for every moment that we might dwell in Your Presence forever.  Thank You for the gift of life and salvation in Jesus Christ the Lord. In His name we pray. Amen. 

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