Thursday, December 3, 2020

 II Kings 2 ( and I Timothy 1) 

 The day came when Elijah was going to be taken up to heaven in a whirlwind.  Elijah knew it. Elisha knew it. The prophets that met them on the way also knew it.  Why then, did Elijah tell Elisha do wait behind.. three times? Was it a test? 

Nevertheless, Elisha persevered and  stayed with Elijah until the very end and watched his mentor and friend be lifted up in a "fiery chariot with horses of fire".... What a sight that must have been! 

Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit.  He received Elijah's mantle and went back the way he had come.  He used the mantle to strike the Jordan, just as Elijah had done, and he walked across the river on dry ground. 

Here begins Elisha's ministry. As he enters Jericho, the prophets there "see" the spirit of Elijah on Elisha. They can't quite believe that Elijah is gone and send out scouts to look for him.  Then they tell Elisha about the bad water in their town and he brings healing to it according to the Lord's word. 

As Elisha turns back towards home he encounters a gang of boys.. who mock him.  Elisha "cursed them in the name of the Lord" and a bear came and mauled 42 of these boys.

What an amazing exit for Elijah!  What an interesting beginning for Elisha.  Men of God in a time when wickedness filled the land.  

The word that comes to my mind as I think about these prophets is perseverance.  They kept on serving the Lord no matter what. They were faithful to the Word of God and available for the work of God.  

I believe that this is what the Lord is calling His church to do... to persevere.. to keep serving the Lord no matter what.. to stay faithful to the Word of God and to stay available to the work that God wants to do through us.  As Paul wrote to Timothy.. "..fight the good fight, armed with trust and a good conscience .." (I Tim. 1:18-19)  Paul exhorts Timothy to stop people from paying attention to "myths and never-ending genealogies";  to things that distract from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Instead, he was to "promote love from a clean heart, from a good conscience and from a sincere trust.." (1:4-5)

Father, may we be faithful to serve You with love from pure hearts. May we have a good conscience, cleansed by Jesus and renewed by the Spirit.  May our faith be sincere and steadfast that we stand firm in the day of evil, putting on the full armor of Christ our Lord. Strengthen us in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ we pray. Fill us with Your Spirit that we might persevere and be among the saints on high who have overcome and have received the white garments and may we have our names also written in the book of life. ( Rev. 3:5)  We ask these things in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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