Wednesday, December 30, 2020

 II Kings 24-25  The Lord sent Nebuchnezzar, king of Babylon, "bands of Chaldeans, bands of Arameans, bands of Moabites, and bands of Ammonites.  So He sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the Lord, which He had spoken through His servants the prophets... to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done, and also for the innocent blood which he shed, for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; and the Lord would not forgive." ( v1-4)

Judah went into exile. Jerusalem's walls were torn down.  The temple that Solomon had built was destroyed. "... And he burned the house of the Lord, the king's house, and all the houses of Jerusalem; even every great house he burned with fire." 

The king, the princes, the leaders, the military men, the craftsmen... anyone who was anyone.. was taken to Babylon.  Only the very poor were left behind to take care of the vineyards and fields. 

This was what the prophets had foretold.  They had pleaded and warned and tried their best to bring about repentance.. but to no avail.  The Lord did what He said He would do. Israel was gone and now Judah was brought to nothing. 

Yet, God was not through with His people. A king of Persia, Cyrus, would be called to "build a house in Jerusalem..  for "the Lord, the God of heaven.. "  He would send back the people of God.. "may the Lord his God be with him, and let him go up!" ( 2 Chronicles 36:22-23)

Father in heaven, we honor You and exalt Your Holy name.  You are God alone and there is no other.  We see the evil in our own nation and weep at the innocent blood that is being shed here.  We know that You are provoked and will bring judgement.  It is not "if" but "when".  We, Your people, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the salvation of our nation and for the salvation of Jerusalem as well.  We pray that the warnings of Your prophets would be heard once again and this time - heeded.  That repentance would come and revival fill this world.  Thank You for being patient, not willing that any should perish.  We do not want to lose loved ones whose hearts are still hard and unrepentant. Yet, we know the days are few.. our lives like vapors.. and the time of our Lord's return drawing near.. and we are watching for You.  Keep us in Your Hands, Lord God.  Keep us filled with Your Spirit that we might even today bear fruit that will be lasting.. to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For it is in His name we pray. Amen. 

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