Tuesday, December 15, 2020

 II Kings 13  Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu became king in Israel.  He also did evil in the sight of the Lord, following in the steps of Jeroboam... "who made Israel sin".   This sin of idolatry angered the Lord, bringing constant judgement in the form of Hazael the king of Aram.  But,  Jehoahaz "never ceased committing those sins.."  Yet,  there was a time when he pleaded with the Lord. . "and Adonai listened to him." 

"And the Lord gave Israel a deliverer ( a savior) so that they escaped from under the hand of the Arameans; and the sons of Israel lived in their tents as formerly."   However... they still did not turn away from their sins. 

After Jehoahaz died, his son Jehoash ( Joash)  became king and he also did evil.  After him came Jeroboam ( the second of that name) 

It is during this time that Elisha dies. 

Years of oppression plagued Israel... yet they did not repent and turn back to the Lord.  Even then we read.. "But the Lord was gracious to them and had compassion on them and turned to them because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not destroy them or cast them from His presence until now." 

Over and over the Lord gave His people the chance to turn back.  It is still true to this day.  One day, Israel will have a King who will rule forever.  They will finally believe and obey. 

Psalm 67:3-4 says " Let the peoples give thanks to You, God; let the peoples give thanks to you.. all of them. Let the nations be glad and shout for joy, for you will judge the peoples fairly and guide the nations of the earth." Verse 7 "May God continue to bless us, so that all the ends of the earth will fear Him." 

This is why we are told to pray for Israel.  It is through the blessings and promises given to Abraham long ago that all the world will be blessed.  May God bless Israel and bring His people back to Himself fully.  

Father in heaven, we praise You.. that Your compassions fail not. You are gracious.  You are faithful.  You are patient and kind. You look at us with pity when we fail and with mercy when we cry to You. Open our eyes to see the greatness of Your love and the blessings of Your salvation.  Your commands are for our good.  Your burdens are light and Your yoke is easy.  We come to You, Jesus, our Lord for we are weary and heavy laden.. and in You alone will we find rest.  Turn the hearts of the peoples in every nation to Your Word.  Shine Your holy Light through Your servants that many more will find salvation in Christ the Lord. Let Your Kingdom come!  All praise and thanksgiving we offer to You!  Amen. 

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