Wednesday, December 16, 2020

 II Kings 14  The king of Israel - Joash/Jehoash  did what was evil in the Lord's sight.  Amaziah, the king of Judah- did what was right, but not as David had done, for he left the high places where people worshiped falsely. 

But, when Amaziah challenged Jehoash and they went to battle, it was the evil king that had the victory.  Why? God's ways are not always the way that we think they should be.. 

Amaziah was killed and his son Azariah/ Uzziah became king of Judah. 

Jehoash died and his son Jeroboam II became king of Israel.  After him came his son Zechariah. 

Two things to note here... 

One, God allowed Jeroboam ( an evil king) to restore the border of Israel.  He sent the prophet Jonah to proclaim this and it was fulfilled. "For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel, which was very bitter, for there was neither bond nor free, nor was there any helper for Israel. and the Lord did not say that He would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven, but He saved them by the hand of Jeroboam, the son of Joash."  Our God can and does bless even those who we think don't deserve it.. 

Secondly, King Uzziah/ Azariah  reigned for 52 years, but he was a leper, living in a seperate house while his son, Jotham acted in his behalf.  But, King Uzziah is a familiar name to us because of Isaiah 6:1 "In the year of King Uzziah's death, I saw the Lord... "  God was about to do something greater than they could imagine.. He was going to speak through Isaiah about the coming of the True Messiah!

We see the generations of kings - one following after the other; lives and deaths.. in this endless cycle of wars and murders and wickedness - and we wonder again at the patience and grace of the Lord for His people. May we see here that although they didn't know it at the time.. God was about to do something to bring this endless cycle to an end.  Israel was running out of chances to turn back to God.  Assyria would be coming soon to take them away.  Judah would have a few more years, but their days were also numbered.. 

Perhaps we should see our own country through the lens of Israel's history... generations of presidents and senates and congressmen... some good and some evil..  Endless cycles of wars and suffering and struggles.  God giving us so many chances to turn back to His Word.. to the Truth that would bring about deliverance and salvation.. May we face the reality that we are no different than Israel and that God will bring His righteous judgement upon us also.  We may think we are the great nation - a mighty cedar tree that can stand firm - but we are like the "thistle" that was stepped on by a wild beast. ( Verse 9)  America needs to return to God. 

Father in heaven, You are God alone, ruler of heaven and earth, and there is no other.  Forgive us, this proud and arrogant nation, that ignores Your Word and chooses what is evil in Your sight.  Change the hearts of our government leaders, that they might find Jesus as their Savior, so that they will turn back to the Truth that brings life.  May we have ears to hear and hearts to receive the Words You are speaking to us today.  Thank You for Your great patience and mercy.  Let your Spirit fill us and produce the fruit of righteousness in Your people.  Strengthen us with the boldness to stand firm in these evil days and to share the Gospel with those who still need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In His great name we pray, Amen. 

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