Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 II Kings 5  -

A captain of the army of Aram.

A kidnapped little girl from Israel. 

A helpless king of Israel. 


Servants of the army captain. 

Gehazi, Elisha's servant. 

This cast of characters reveal one mighty truth - "... there is no God in all the earth except.. Adonai". 

Naaman was highly respected, powerful in rank, " a valiant warrior",  and esteemed by the King of Aram. But, he suffered from "tazra'at" - leprosy.  The Arameans had raided Israel and Naaman had brought back a little girl as a servant for his wife.  This little girl must have been someone really special!  A slave to a foreign couple, she wished for Naaman's miraculous healing and testified of the prophet of God who would cure him.   What a beautiful example of true faith!

Naaman takes the word of this child and approaches the king, who allows him to go to Samaria.  When Naaman goes to the king of Israel with silver, gold, and clothing... the king believes that this is a dirty trick to provoke war.  But, Elisha steps in to help. 

Even that goes a bit strange - for Elisha doesn't even come out to greet Naaman but tells him to go dip 7 times in the Jordan river.  Naaman goes away angry, feeling humiliated at this.. expecting a big show of some kind.  However, his servants convince him that he should at least give it a try.  He does, and he is healed, just as Elisha said. 

Naaman offers his gifts to Elisha, but Elisha refuses.  But, when Naaman leaves, Gehazi, Elisha's servant goes after him and takes some silver and some clothes, lying that Elisha was asking for them for some visitors.  Gehazi thinks he will get away with this, but Elisha knew what happened.  Gehazi was cursed with the leprosy - to him and to his descendants. 

The little slave girl chose to serve the Lord and tell of His greatness. 

Naaman chose to believe... the girl, the servants, and finally God Himself.

Elisha chose to serve. 

Gehazi chose to be greedy. 

Whoever we are - great in power or low in rank.. we have to choose how we will live. No matter our circumstances, we can choose to serve and to testify of the greatness of our God.  May we have the faith of this little slave girl.. desiring that others would know the One and only God.. that they also may be saved. 

Father in heaven, strengthen us in our walk with You today.  May we be faithful and faith-filled.  May we have compassion and patience, gentleness and kindness and humility - and most of all love for those around us, no matter who they are - for all need to know You, to call upon Your, to seek You and find You.  You loved this world and sent Your Son so that whosoever believes in Him will be saved. Let us speak up and speak out this Truth, this Good News, wherever we go today.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. 

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