Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 II Kings 6:1-7  Elisha was living with a school of prophets and there was not enough room for all of them. So they decided to go, cut down some trees and build a bigger building. As they are working, one of the men cutting down a tree lost the axe head in some water.  He calls out to Elisha for help. Elisha cuts off a stick throws it in the water and the axe head floats to the top.  He tells the young man to pick it up and he "put out his hand and took it." 

Why do you suppose this story is recorded here for us?  It doesn't tie to anything else in the chapter. It doesn't seem to have any deeper meaning.  It is just another miraculous event in  a series of miracles that marked Elisha's ministry. But, it is written here and it is holy scripture, so it is meant for us to learn and grow from.. 

If the prophets did not need a larger school... 

If they had not gone to the Jordan to cut trees... 

If Elisha had not agreed to accompany them.. 

If the axe had not broken.. 

If the man had not called out to Elisha.. 

If Elisha had not thrown in the stick.. 

The axe head would not have floated up and the man would not have been able to put out his hand and take it.. 

God was in all of the details.  Just as He is in all of the events of our lives that lead up to the defining act of reaching out our hands and taking what the Lord has restored to us.  What have we lost?  Relationships? Jobs? Homes? Hope? Health? 

God is working out the details..  Perhaps we need to have a dream for something greater than ourselves. Perhaps we need to go out from where we are... Perhaps we need to call out to others for help..  Perhaps God has done a miracle already and we just need to put out our hand and take it.  I don't know where you are in the process.. but know that God has a plan and He will do it. 

Let us be ready to reach out.. 

Father in heaven, You are good and You are kind.  Nothing is impossible with You.  We want to live according to Your plan and to do what You desire.. to walk by faith, to walk in love, and to walk by the power of Your Spirit.  I'm not sure why this passage of Your Word speaks to me.. but, I know that You have given it to us today for a reason. Bless it to our lives and draw us nearer as we think on these things.  We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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