Friday, January 1, 2021

 I Timothy 2: 1-8  "First of all... "  Paul is writing to Timothy about leading the church. He has emphasized the need to stop all false teaching  (pursuit of any other means to try to find salvation) and  that all instruction should be for the purpose of "love from a pure heart and a good conscience and  a sincere faith."  The gospel message is the only message that will bring about these goals.  God, by grace, has shown us His mercy by sending Jesus Christ "into the world to save sinners.. " In Jesus we find faith and love. 

As we join with all believers, to fight the good fight, to keep " faith and a good conscience", then our first priority is prayer. " .. I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men."  

Entreaties - to plead with, beg

Prayers - worship ; earnest prayer and supplication

Petitions - intercession

Paul uses three distinct words to describe the kind of prayers that we are to make on behalf of others. "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come the the knowledge of the truth." ( v3-4) 

Paul wrote that we should pray for  "all human beings, including kings and all in positions of prominence ; so that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives, being godly and upright in everything..."

What or Who  keeps us from leading quiet, peaceful, godly lives?  This is who we are to make intercession for.. that they might come to the "knowledge of the truth".  That they might be saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.  That they might know "there is one God and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 

Paul gives us some requirements for this kind of praying:

The CJB says it this way.. "Therefore, it is my wish that when the men pray, no matter where, they should lift up hands that are holy - they should not become angry or get into arguments." 

For women, Paul says, "Likewise, the women, when they pray, should be dressed modestly and sensibly in respectable attire, not with elaborate hairstyles and gold jewelry, or pearls, or expensive clothes. Rather they should adorn themselves with what is appropriate for women who claim to be worshipping God, namely good deeds." 

No pretenses. No arrogance. No prideful attitudes.  We are to come into God's presence with clean hands and pure hearts ( Psalm 24:4) We come in truth, in love, and in surrender to God's perfect will. 

Father, we give You thanks and praise for the grace that You have lavished on us, that we should be called Your children.  We desire Your will to be done, here in our lives, in our world.. as it is done in heaven. Teach us to pray, Lord. May we come to You with pure hearts to worship and adore You. May we come to lovingly bring intercession for the lost ones.. including presidents and senators and congressmen... for family and friends.. any enemies too.   May we be faithful to pray for those who have hurt us or have disrupted our quiet and peaceful lives.  As we begin this new year, Lord, start a new work in us.. may we be people of prayer more than ever before.  Fill Your church Lord, with the power of Your Holy Spirit. We plead with You in the name of our Mediator, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. 

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