Friday, August 14, 2020

Judges 6-8  After 40 years of rest, Israel once again "did what was evil".  This time the Lord gave the people of Midian power over Israel.  We are told that they were particularly cruel to the people of Israel, destroying their crops and causing them to hide themselves in mountains and caves.  They took every source of food, leaving nothing.. seeking only to destroy.

It is at this time that the Lord calls Gideon.  This call to serve begins with an unusual greeting.. "You valiant hero! Adonai is with you!" the angel of the Lord greets Gideon, as he secretly threshes wheat in the winepress so he won't be seen... hardly courageous or a warrior.

The Lord reassures Gideon of his call by burning up the offering he brings; by causing dew to fall on the fleece while the ground stays dry; and then agains causing the fleece to be dry while the ground is wet.  The Lord calls Gideon to pull down the altar to Baal and the sacred pole too.  Gideon obeys but does it in secret at night. When the people get angry, Gideon's father tells them to let Baal defend himself!

Finally, Gideon is ready to go into battle.  He calls for the army to gather and many come.  But, God sends most of them away so that only 300 are left.  Then He uses shofars and lanterns to overcome the enemies. Victory over Midian is complete.  Once again I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 12:9- "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."  God sent away thousands of soldiers and used a "weak" army of 300 men.. and no swords.. to bring about an amazing victory! The glory was His alone!

 But once again, Israel's faithfulness to God is short.. for 40 years later Gideon died... then:
"They forgot Adonai their God, who had saved them from the power of their enemies on every side; and they showed no kindness toward the family of Gideon, to repay them for all the good he had done for Israel. " 

I'm reminded by this passage that our God sees us... not as we see ourselves.. but as what we truly are when He is with us.  We may be as fearful as Gideon was.. or as cautious as he tried to be.. but God is still willing to use us to accomplish His purposes.  We may see ourselves as weak, and we are... so that is a good thing.. for our dependance on our all -powerful Lord is what is most important to any battle we face in this life. May we never forget our God!

Father in heaven, You are holy and exalted!  We praise You and worship You alone.  Help us to be completely dependent on You.. to be diligent in seeking You and obeying Your Word.  Open our ears to hear Your voice and our hearts to receive Your instructions.  Let Your glory and power be perfected in our weaknesses.  Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us.  Thank You for the victories You have prepared for us!  Let Your will be done in us as it is in heaven, we pray, in Jesus' name, amen.

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