Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Judges 11-12  These chapters tell the story of a man named  Yiftach/ Jephthah who was a Gileadite.
This man was known as a "valiant warrior".  He was also known as the son of a prostitute. Gilead, his father, had other sons by his wife.  When they were grown, his brothers chased Jephthah away so that he could not inherit anything from his father's estate.

But, God had other plans for Jephthah.  When the sons of Ammon came to fight against Israel, the "elders of Gilead" sent for Jephthah to come and be their chief.  "Did you not hate me and drive me from my father's house? So why have you come to me now when you are in trouble?"  Jephthah replied.   This reminds me of what God said to the Israelites in chapter 10:14 "Go cry out to the gods which you have chosen; let them deliver you... "  Jephthah had been rejected, until he was their only hope.  The people had to agree that, if Jephthah came and helped them, then they would make him the leader of their clan.  And so, they did.

Jephthah not only returned to Gilead, but he made sure that everything was witnessed  "in the presence of Adonai" ( v11)  God's hand was on Jephthah throughout this time.  He acted wisely and trusted the Lord in every choice he made.
He sent messengers to the king of Ammon to see if they could resolve the situation peacefully.
When the king made false accusations, Jephthah corrected him according to the Word.
Jephthah tried to reason with the king of Ammon, asking him why he was trying to take the land after 300 years of Israelite occupancy.
Then, when Ammon would not listen, Jephthah, filled by the Spirit of God, went to war.
And God gave the victory!

Yet, a sad thing happened to Jephthah.  He vowed to the Lord...if the Lord gave him success... that he would sacrifice a burnt offering to the Lord when he returned to his home... the first thing that came out of his house.  When he returned home, the first one to come to greet him from his home was his only child, his daughter.  His heart broken, Jephthah kept his vow and his daughter gave up herself.

Later, the tribe of Ephraim took up a quarrel with Jephthah, complaining that they were left out of the battle with Ammon.  Jephthah had called them, but they did not come, so he went without them.  They ended up fighting with one another and Gilead defeated Ephraim.  Jephthah was judge for 6 years before he died.  Several other judges followed his term of service as recorded in Judges 12:8-15 and then came Samson.

Rejection did not keep Jephthah from being the Lord's servant. 
Heart break did not keep Jephthah from being the Lord's servant. 
False accusations did not keep Jephthah from being the Lord's servant. 

We see a heart for God, in a place we may not have expected to see it.. the rejected son of a prostitute, exiled from his own home by his own brothers.  Oh, how thankful we are that God does not look at the outward appearance but at our hearts!   No matter what rejection and heartbreak we might face.. no matter what false accusations have been flung at us.. God still can use us when we seek to follow Him.

Jesus was rejected by the religious leaders of His day.  He was abandoned by His own disciples and His own brothers,  when He was arrested. False accusations were flung at Him during His illegal trial. He was crucified unjustly.  But, He did it all willingly.. for our salvation.

Father in heaven, we need Your Spirit to fill us once again, that we might stand firm in the midst of those who reject us, revile us, accuse us, and break our hearts.  You see our hearts and You know that we are in need of Your Truth and Wisdom and Love.  Let the Kingdom of our Lord come and Your will be done, Lord God.  Help us, forgive us, heal us, and bring us peace.. in our lives, in our church, and in our country.  You are our refuge and strength.  Let the name of Jesus be glorified in us, Father, to the praise of Your holy name. amen.

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