Thursday, August 27, 2020

Galatians 6

If we have been made free from sin and from legalism through the Messiah Jesus.. and if we have been given His Spirit and are called to live our lives "by the Spirit"; be "led by the Spirit"; and "order our lives day by day" through the Spirit.. Paul says that the "fruit of the Spirit" will be evident.

We will have the fruit of love -  loving our neighbors like ourselves;  bearing "one another's burdens"; humbly helping those who are doing wrong to turn around and do right; doing good.
We will be joyful and filled with the peace that passes understanding.
We will be patient with those who struggle or annoy.. or even sin against us.
We will be kind and gentle.
We will be faithful, humble, and self-controlled.

We will "scrutinize" our own actions so that we don't fool ourselves.

"A person reaps what he sows."  Paul states. To think otherwise is to mock God.
If we sow "in the field of our old nature", Paul writes, we will "reap ruin".
But if we sow "in the field of the Spirit", we will reap "everlasting life" by the Spirit. 

Let us sow love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and goodness.   Let us not sow selfishness, impurity, immorality, anger, jealousy, or slander.  Let us repent and be cleansed from anything that comes from our old nature and live as the new creatures that we are in Jesus.

Father in heaven, lead us in Truth, cover us with the Righteousness of the Savior, strengthen us with Your strength that we might stand firm, taking up the shield of faith to quench the arrows of evil.   We have put on the helmet of salvation through the cross of Jesus and we have put on the shoes of peace, ready to share the good news of His redeeming love. We take up the Sword of Your Spirit, the Word of God as we pray. We belong to You, Lord God.  May Your will be done and Your kingdom come we pray, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.

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