Wednesday, August 5, 2020

2 Corinthians 6 

Verse 1 "As God's fellow workers we also urge you not to receive His grace and then do nothing with it." (CJB) 

The Grace of God - "the good pleasure of God that inclines Him to bestow benefits upon the undeserving," Tozer wrote. " It is a self-existent principle inherent in the divine nature and appears to us as a self-caused propensity to pity the wretched, spare the guilty, welcome the outcast, and bring into favor those who were before under disapprobation."   Tozer goes on to say this, "Grace takes its rise far back in the heart of God, in the awful and incomprehensible abyss of His holy being; but the channel through which it flows out to men is Jesus Christ, crucified and risen."   We can come to God in the only way that any can come - "by grace, through faith".   His grace is infinite and eternal. It has no beginning and no end.  It is boundless!

We can trust God's grace. And, as Paul wrote, let our trust not be in vain.. let us do something with it!

Paul gives us a great example of what this means.. to trust God's infinite, amazing grace. 

By grace we can endure, even as he did, "troubles, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonment, riots, overwork, lack of sleep, and food." (v4-5) -[ pandemics; politics; protests; etc!]

By God's grace we can live in "purity, knowledge, patience, and kindness; by the Holy Spirit; by genuineness of love and truthfulness of speech, and by God's power." ( v6-7) 

By God's grace we can take up righteous weapons for the cause of Christ.  Whether we are "honored" or "dishonored"; "praised" or "blamed";  "considered deceptive" or "sincere";  "unknown" or "famous";  God's grace is sufficient for us - it is an infinite fountain of goodness towards us from the One who calls us His own... who calls us "Son" or "Daughter". 

No matter what we are facing today.. personally or corporately.. God's grace has not and will not fail. 

Father, Gracious God, in whom we fully rest.. may we say, even as Paul, your servant, said, "We may be heading towards death, 'yet look, we are alive!'.  We may have every reason to be sad, 'yet always filled with joy'; We may have nothing, 'yet having everything'"  We can absolutely trust in Your never ending, powerful, perfect, and unlimited grace towards us in Christ Jesus. Fill our hearts with rejoicing and praise as we think on these things. "All thanks be to God for grace abounding". In the name of Jesus Christ, who brought grace and truth..    Amen and amen. 

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