Monday, August 10, 2020

2 Corinthians 10

Paul's heart desire was to see the church thrive and grow.. to become perfect, mature and righteous.  This was his prayer. This was his purpose in ministry.  This was the mission that God appointed for him to do.  But, other "emissaries" had come in and challenged Paul's authority.  The last few chapters in this letter address this issue.

In this chapter, Paul testifies that he is fighting for the truth to be made known. He was fighting for them!  He wanted the church to acknowledge his authority as God's emissary so that they would be built up, not torn down.

His weapons "are not worldly", Paul says.  He fights using "God's power for demolishing strongholds." He will "demolish arguments.. and arrogance".  He will "take every thought captive and make it obey the Messiah".  Paul's weapons are truth, righteousness, peace, salvation.. the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.  Paul does not want to commend himself in this battle- for the battle belongs to the Lord.  "So let anyone who wants to boast, boast about Adonai."

As we listen closely to the Shepherd's voice today.. what is it that He wants us to know - personally? What do we need to do - in and for our church ? Let us examine ourselves in light of these words:

First of all, do we have a passion for our church?   Do I have.. do we have.. a passion for our church to grow spiritually?  To be pure? To be mature?  Are we praying this way?  Are we fighting for this? Have we made that a priority in our lives?

Secondly,  what is our attitude toward  the authority that God has placed in our church?  Is the leadership of our church using the godly weapons of truth, righteousness, peace,  and salvation ?  Is  the sword of the Spirit.. the Word of God being preached? Is the  shield of faith extinguishing Satan's arrows? Are we being taught to demolish arguments and take our thoughts captive- in obedience to Christ Jesus? ( Thankful that I can say "Yes" and "Amen" to this!)

Lastly, can each of us honestly say that we are boasting in the Lord and in nothing else?  Are we willing to admit our own weaknesses and lack of worthiness outside of Jesus Christ?

Father, Your great love and desire is for the Church to be perfected and beautiful, ready to be presented as the Bride of the Lord Jesus.  We pray for the power of Your Spirit to work in each of us so that we can be made whole, complete, and perfect; ready  for that day.  May we encourage one another, pray for one another, exhort one another, and help one another.. coming alongside other churches that are struggling... as well as building up our own church.  May we have a true passion for the work that You have called us to do in our individual church families.  Be glorified and exalted and magnified in Your church today, we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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