Monday, August 31, 2020

Ephesians 2

We were dead... all of us... in sin and disobedience. We followed our passions.  We satisfied our old nature. We acted how we wanted and did what we thought was best.  We ALL were worthy of the wrath of God and eternal punishment.

"But God is so rich in mercy and loves us with such intense love that even when we were dead because of our acts of disobedience , he brought us to life with the Messiah - it is by grace that you have been delivered." (v4-5)

We proclaim with Paul - How rich is His grace!  How great is His kindness!
We could never accomplish our own deliverance.  We could never save ourselves.  It is His doing!
His gift!

Not only that, but He has brought us into union with Jesus.
Paul says that, "God raised us up with the Messiah and seated us with Him in heaven." 
 He made us a new creation, "created in union with the Messiah Yeshua for a life of good actions already prepared by God for us to do." 
He called us to be His people. (v11-12)
He brought us near. (v13)
He created a new union between the Jew and the Gentile. (v14)
He reconciled us all "in a single body". (v15)
He destroyed the enmity between us and each other as well as between us and Him. (v16)
He made us all one family.. one kingdom... one building... a holy temple where He Himself dwells. (v19-22)

Father in Heaven, You are rich in mercy, rich in grace, great in kindness, and perfect in love.  That You loved us and sent Your Son Jesus, to die on a cross and to pay the price for our lives... is a gift that we can never measure.  We give You thanks from our hearts. Our lips proclaim Your greatness.  We will sing of Your great love and compassion for the lost and hopeless... grateful that You choose to save us from sin and death.  May all the world look to You, seek You with all their hearts and find You.  We need You now, O Lord.  Hear us, draw near to us, and fill us with Your Spirit.  May Your Name be high and lifted up.  Bring many more into this wonderful union with our Lord Jesus Christ, for it is in His name that we ask this. Amen  

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