Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Judges 1-2 Under the leadership of Joshua, Israel entered the promised land and began to take possession of it.  But, after Joshua's death we see that the tribes failed to complete the task of driving out the inhabitants of the land as they were commanded.  Eventually this lead to disaster as they began to be influenced by the idolatry of these people.

Joshua's generation died off and the next generation did not know God. (2:10)

What a frightening and awful statement.  How could this be?  The people who had seen the Hand of God do amazing things on their behalf - parting the Jordan; knocking down the walls of Jericho; fighting their battles; and giving them rest from war - failed to raise their children up to know the Lord. 

Trouble began to come to Israel. God was angry at them and allowed them to be overcome.  Enemies rose up. Yet, when they cried out to Him, He sent a judge who would lead them to deliverance.  But, over and over again, they relapsed.  They chose idols and ignored God. They broke their covenant with Adonai their God and He handed them over to the enemy.

Two things that speak to me from this passage:

One, it is absolutely vital that we bring up our children to know and worship God alone.  We are responsible to get them to church, feed them the Word of God, and teach them how to walk in faith, trusting in Jesus. We need to be the examples and the leaders in our families.  We see what is happening in our world today because of the failure of our generation to live for and serve the Lord.  May God forgive us!

Secondly, the God who disciplined Israel because of their sin and rebellion against Him, will certainly discipline every nation that fails to acknowledge and obey Him.  Enemies will rise up against us, we will be plundered and overcome.. and unless we repent and turn back... we will fall.
May God help us!

Father in heaven,  You alone are the Sovereign God.  You possess all knowledge, all power, and all wisdom.  You have created all things and there is nothing.. and no one.. that is outside of Your rule.  You have given us a choice - to serve You or to rebel.  We are devastated and so sorry that our world is so full of rebellion and evil.  We see the consequences of this rebellion being dealt to every nation in our world today. Our only hope is Jesus.  We cry out to You in the name of the Savior who calls us to come and follow Him.  May the Word of God run freely and be glorified in our land, Lord God, and give ears to hear so that many more will be saved.  Stop those who are trying to put a basket over the Light. Deliver us from the evil one and his schemes.  Let the power of Jesus Christ be poured out into our lives, that in our weakness, You will be exalted!  Let the Kingdom of Christ come !  In Jesus' name . Amen.

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