Monday, August 31, 2020

Ephesians 2

We were dead... all of us... in sin and disobedience. We followed our passions.  We satisfied our old nature. We acted how we wanted and did what we thought was best.  We ALL were worthy of the wrath of God and eternal punishment.

"But God is so rich in mercy and loves us with such intense love that even when we were dead because of our acts of disobedience , he brought us to life with the Messiah - it is by grace that you have been delivered." (v4-5)

We proclaim with Paul - How rich is His grace!  How great is His kindness!
We could never accomplish our own deliverance.  We could never save ourselves.  It is His doing!
His gift!

Not only that, but He has brought us into union with Jesus.
Paul says that, "God raised us up with the Messiah and seated us with Him in heaven." 
 He made us a new creation, "created in union with the Messiah Yeshua for a life of good actions already prepared by God for us to do." 
He called us to be His people. (v11-12)
He brought us near. (v13)
He created a new union between the Jew and the Gentile. (v14)
He reconciled us all "in a single body". (v15)
He destroyed the enmity between us and each other as well as between us and Him. (v16)
He made us all one family.. one kingdom... one building... a holy temple where He Himself dwells. (v19-22)

Father in Heaven, You are rich in mercy, rich in grace, great in kindness, and perfect in love.  That You loved us and sent Your Son Jesus, to die on a cross and to pay the price for our lives... is a gift that we can never measure.  We give You thanks from our hearts. Our lips proclaim Your greatness.  We will sing of Your great love and compassion for the lost and hopeless... grateful that You choose to save us from sin and death.  May all the world look to You, seek You with all their hearts and find You.  We need You now, O Lord.  Hear us, draw near to us, and fill us with Your Spirit.  May Your Name be high and lifted up.  Bring many more into this wonderful union with our Lord Jesus Christ, for it is in His name that we ask this. Amen  

Friday, August 28, 2020

Ephesians 1  Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus begins with a wonderful truth... " Praised be Adonai, Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, who in the Messiah has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heaven."  EVERY spiritual blessing! Let us really think on that!

In the Messiah, in Jesus our Lord, the Father:

- "chose us in love" v4)
-"determined.. we would be His sons"(v5)
- "set us free... our sins are forgiven.." (v7)
- " made known to us his secret (mysterious) plan"  (v9)
- gave us "an inheritance" ( v11)
-"sealed" us with the Holy Spirit ( v13)

The Father's purpose and pleasure, Paul tells us, was "so that we would bring Him praise commensurate with the glory of the grace He gave us through the Beloved One." (v6,12,14)

May our prayers echo the prayer of Paul for the church in Ephesus.. "In my prayers I keep asking the God of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, the glorious Father, to give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you will have full knowledge of Him. I pray that He will give light to the eyes of your hearts, so that you will understand the hope to which He has called you, what rich glories there are in the inheritance he has promised His people, and how surpassingly great is His power working in us who trust Him. " ( v16-19)

The power of God raised Jesus from the dead, seated Him at the right hand of the Father "far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion, or any other name that came be named.. not only in this age but also in the one to come. Also, He has put all things under His feet and made Him head over everything .. " ( 20-22)  This surpassingly great power is at work in us!

Thank You Father for this great salvation in Jesus our Messiah. We praise You for the overwhelming glory of Your grace towards us.  May we receive and be filled by the Spirit so that we will know You fully, understand the great hope You have called us to, rejoice in our future inheritance - with riches of glory; and be strengthened by Your great power working in us.   We pray in the Name that is above every other name, the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Galatians 6

If we have been made free from sin and from legalism through the Messiah Jesus.. and if we have been given His Spirit and are called to live our lives "by the Spirit"; be "led by the Spirit"; and "order our lives day by day" through the Spirit.. Paul says that the "fruit of the Spirit" will be evident.

We will have the fruit of love -  loving our neighbors like ourselves;  bearing "one another's burdens"; humbly helping those who are doing wrong to turn around and do right; doing good.
We will be joyful and filled with the peace that passes understanding.
We will be patient with those who struggle or annoy.. or even sin against us.
We will be kind and gentle.
We will be faithful, humble, and self-controlled.

We will "scrutinize" our own actions so that we don't fool ourselves.

"A person reaps what he sows."  Paul states. To think otherwise is to mock God.
If we sow "in the field of our old nature", Paul writes, we will "reap ruin".
But if we sow "in the field of the Spirit", we will reap "everlasting life" by the Spirit. 

Let us sow love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and goodness.   Let us not sow selfishness, impurity, immorality, anger, jealousy, or slander.  Let us repent and be cleansed from anything that comes from our old nature and live as the new creatures that we are in Jesus.

Father in heaven, lead us in Truth, cover us with the Righteousness of the Savior, strengthen us with Your strength that we might stand firm, taking up the shield of faith to quench the arrows of evil.   We have put on the helmet of salvation through the cross of Jesus and we have put on the shoes of peace, ready to share the good news of His redeeming love. We take up the Sword of Your Spirit, the Word of God as we pray. We belong to You, Lord God.  May Your will be done and Your kingdom come we pray, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Galatians 4-5

 Paul teaches that "... when the appointed time arrived, God sent forth His Son..."  Jesus was born "of a woman, born under the Law".  The CJB puts it this way.. "He was born from a woman, born into a culture in which legalistic perversion of the Torah was the norm.. "  Jesus came to redeem those enslaved to legalism.. to set them free to become God's sons.  He also came  to redeem the Gentiles who were not slaves to the Law, but to "beings which in reality are non-gods" for they did not know God.   But, now that they know the One True God and are "known by God".. they are also free in Christ Jesus.

There were Jewish "believers"  who had yet to let go of the "legalistic perversions" of the Law.  They were convincing the Galatian believers to be circumcised and converted to Judaism.  Paul warned the church in Galatia not to follow these "zealous" but self- serving teachers.  Their ways would only make them slaves again. They were not called to be slaves.. but sons!  For Messiah came to free them and us!

To try to become righteous through the Law would be to reject the work of Jesus the Messiah.  It would separate them from God's grace.  The truth is  that "... it is by the power of the Spirit, who works in us because we trust and are faithful. that we confidently expect our hope of attaining righteousness to be fulfilled."

We are called to be free.  We are called to "run [our] lives by the Spirit".  We are either led by our old human, unredeemed nature.. or we are led by the Spirit of God.  If we are led by the Spirit then we are not "in subjection to the system that results from perverting the Torah into legalism." 

Paul gives us the distinct contrast between a life led by the old nature and the life led by the Spirit of God (v19-25):

The old nature - sexual immorality, impurity, indecency, occultism, drugs, feuding, fighting, jealousy, anger, selfish ambition, factionalism, intrigue, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and "things like these." 

But, the Spirit led life will result in - "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self- control.  Nothing in the Torah stands against such things." 

"Since it is through the Spirit that we have Life, let it also be through the Spirit that we order our lives day by day." 

Father in heaven, we thank You for sending Jesus at the right time so that we can be redeemed and set free from everything that is false.  Jesus is the Truth and He is the way and the life.. Hallelujah!
Help us to live our lives, led by Your Spirit, in trusting faithfulness to the glory and honor of Your Name.  May Jesus Christ be praised!  Amen and amen.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Galatians 3   Paul reasons with the Galatian believers, explaining the difference between salvation through faith in Jesus vs. salvation through legalistic observance of the Law.  These truths are just as important to us today as we seek to walk in the True Gospel and not be side-tracked or deceived by the world's viewpoint or by false teachers.

The main point is this- The Truth is that Jesus was crucified, "put to death as a criminal". (v1)

The 1st question is - "did you receive the Spirit" by keeping the Law or by believing and trusting this Truth? (v2)
The 2nd question is - "do you think you can reach the goal under your own power" ( by keeping the whole law)  or do you need the Holy Spirit?  (v3)
The 3rd question is this - Does God supply you with the Holy Spirit and do miracles because you keep the Law or because "you trust in what you heard and are faithful to it?" (v5)

Paul uses the example of Abraham to show that the promises of God were given because of Abraham's faith, not because of the Law that came 430 years later.  Therefore Paul says....righteousness is only attained by those who trust God and are faithful to Him.

The Law cannot do that:
The Law explains what sin is.
The Law has the purpose of shutting "all men under sin". Revealing that we are all sinners.
The Law was never able to make anyone "righteous".

Jesus came under the curse that was placed on every one who could not keep ALL of the Law.
He paid the full penalty.
He completed the work of the Father in "trusting faithfulness";  -"so that we might be declared righteous on the ground of trusting and being faithful." 

This is Good News!  This the true Gospel - "For in union with the Messiah, you are all children of God through this trusting faithfulness; because as many of you as were immersed into the Messiah have clothed yourselves with the Messiah in whom there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor freeman, neither male nor female, for in union with the Messiah Yeshua, you are all one. " ( v26-28)
It is all about Jesus!

Father in heaven, You are greater and more wonderful than our minds can conceive or our tongues can tell!  The perfect work of salvation through Jesus Christ is so amazing and gracious.. so beyond anything we could ever imagine or think up on our own. We are so thankful!  Thank you for sending Your Spirit to lead us continually into the Truth and protect us from the evil one who is always looking for ways to deceive us.  Let Your people declare the Good News of Jesus Christ that others will trust in Him and be saved.  In His mighty and wonderful name we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Galatians 1-2 The writer is Paul, who says he "received [his] commission not from human beings or through human mediation but through Yeshua ( Jesus) the Messiah and God the Father, who raised him from the dead.. " 

The church in Galatia consisted of Gentile converts.  They were being influenced and pressured by Jewish legalists who were trying to force them to convert to Judaism so they could be true Christians.
Paul calls this a "false gospel".   Paul denounces this version( and any other version)  of the Good News vehemently - "if anyone announces 'Good News' contrary to what you received, let him be under a curse forever!"

There is only one true gospel.. Paul asserts,  the gospel received  directly from Jesus Himself. (v11)
He states that when God "who had set me apart, even from my mother's womb, and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him... "  he did not consult with anyone else.. not even the apostles in Jerusalem .

Paul was sent to the Gentiles to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Even though he was Jewish, and he continued to be Jewish, he knew it was not right for Gentiles to be forced into a different culture and religion, nor to become legalistic followers of the Torah, in order to be saved. That would NOT be Good News!

Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ, whether one is a Jew or Gentile.. "knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even so we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ... " ( 2:16)  Paul asserts.. there is no other way.

It boils down to this confession, " I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me, and delivered Himself up for Me."   The Complete Jewish Bible puts it this way, " When Messiah was executed on the stake as a criminal, I was too; so that my proud ego no longer lives.  But the Messiah lives in me, and the life I now live in my body I live by the same trusting faithfulness that the Son of God had, who loved me and gave Himself for me." 

The Good News.. the Gospel of Jesus Christ.. must not be perverted or contaminated or lessened by our culture or viewpoint.  The good news is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God was executed on a stake.. on the cross, to pay the penalty for sin, for our sins.. so that we might be justified - rendered innocent - in the sight of our God.  Jesus died, was buried in a tomb for 3 days and rose again. He finished the work that the Father gave Him.  Through trusting in Him we are saved. Period.  That is Good News!

Father in heaven, we bless Your Name and give You glory and honor for You alone are God.  We come to You in the name of our Savior and King, Jesus Christ, who died for us, who has purchased our salvation, who has made us Your children.. O what glorious grace!  Let us proclaim the True Gospel and rejoice in You alone!  We desire to love You fully and to walk in Truth and Light.  Guide us today in all we do and say.. fill us Holy Spirit we pray, in Jesus name. Amen.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Judges 17-21  These last chapters of Judges show the depths of sin that had filled the land of Israel.  Over and over again we are reminded of this, " At that time there was no king in Israel; a man simple did whatever he thought was right." (17:6; 21:23) But, God said, "You shall not do at all what we are doing here today, even man doing what is right in his own eyes."  (Deuteronomy 12:8)

They had turned to idols.  They had forsaken God.  They had forgotten that their Lord, Adonai, was their only true King.  They totally failed to do what He commanded.

In chapter 17 we read that a man named Milkah created his own "house of God";  hired his own priest; and set up his own altar, made his own god.  But, God said, "You shall not make for yourself an idol.. you shall not worship them or serve them..." Exodus 20:4-5

In chapter 18 we read the the tribe of Dan decided to go take over some land for themselves; stole the idols, took the priest; and attacked a quiet, peaceful town, and established their own city. But, God said, "You shall not steal" and "You shall not covet.." Exodus 20:15; 17

In chapter 19 we read about a Levite man who took a woman from Judah to be his concubine.  When she was unfaithful and ran back to her father's house, he went to get her.  After being delayed by the father, they finally head home.  However they ended up in a town in the territory belonging to the tribe of Benjamin.  Here some "good-for-nothings" come after the man as he stayed in the home of an old man from that city.  They acted like the men from Sodom at the time of Lot.  The man, lets them have his concubine.. and she is raped, abused, and killed.  He sacrificed his own wife.. he was just as bad as those who came after him...    He takes her home, cuts up her body and sends a piece of her to each tribe in Israel.  "Everyone who saw it said, 'From the day the people of Israel came up from Egypt until now, never has such a thing happened or been seen.'"  God said, "You shall not murder."

In chapter 20 we read that all of Israel gathered to get the facts about the situation.. which the Levite calls a "shockingly obscene and degrading crime in Israel."  A battle between the tribe of Benjamin and the rest of Israel begins.  Eventually, Benjamin is defeated and the town where the wickedness happened was destroyed.

In chapter 21 we read how the people of Israel twisted things around so that the remaining men from Benjamin could have wives and remain as a tribe in Israel.

They were doing what was right in their own eyes. And it was horrible! Abuse, murder, idolatry, immorality, perversion... the complete opposite of what their God had called them to be.. "Be holy" He had said.  "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice and by holding fast to Him, for this is your life and the length of your days that you may live in the land which the Lord swore to your 
fathers..." ( Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

They chose death.  They chose the curse. They had sunk to the depths of the nations that God had judged and delivered them from.

Today, as we read and watch the news, we cannot help but observe that our country is falling into the same sins as Israel did those many years ago.  Our nation is choosing death.. choosing immorality.. choosing false religions and evil ideologies.  We will not escape the judgement of God.

 Romans 1:25-32 makes it so clear, "For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions... and just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustful, unloving, unmerciful.... " 

Father in heaven, holy and infinite God, the only God- who rules over all of heaven and all of the earth, we praise and hallow Your Name.  We, who call on Your Name, choose life and blessing, through the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Heal our land, forgive our sins, bring repentance and revival to this nation.  Deliver us from those bent on evil.  Close the abortion mills. Stop those who traffic in sex slavery.  Change the thinking of those who promote immorality and cleanse us!  We see all too many who believe that it is ok to do what is right in their own eyes and have no idea that You even exist.  Lord God, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help us we pray..  in Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Judges 13-16   Israel again "did what was evil" and the Lord again gave them over to an enemy.. this time the Philistines.  For 40 years the Philistines ruled over Israel.  We are not told that Israel cried out to  the Lord.  He chose to work in a whole new and different way this time.  We are familiar with the story of Samson, but just to remind us of the whole story, let me summarize it here:

An angel appeared to Samson's mother to announce that she would finally have a child.  This child would be dedicated to the Lord, so she had to avoid wine and unclean things.  He would be a Nazarite to God from the womb.  (God had a plan for Samson before he was even conceived! Think about that!)

Samson's father, Manoah, and his mother prayed for the angel to return and give them instructions for raising this special child.  They offered up a sacrifice and watched as the angel went up in the flame. They knew that this was all ordained by God. 

As Samson grew up, the Lord blessed him and put His Spirit upon him to do great things.  The problem with Samson was that he didn't make the best choices when it came to women.  His first wife was a Philistine woman. She ended up betraying Samson to her people because of a riddle..  The final result from all this was destruction of the Philistines fields and the death of his wife and her father.  When the Philistines came after Samson again, he killed 1000 men with the "jawbone of a donkey."

But, Samson did not learn a lesson. He again married, this time a woman named Delilah. Three times she asks him to tell the secret to his strength in order to betray him.  Three times he lies to her and three times he is attacked and escapes unharmed.  Finally, Delilah nags Samson to the point that he is "bothered.. to death" and he tells her the truth.  This time Delilah shaves his hair and when he is attacked, he is defeated. The Word tells us that Samson "didn't know that Adonai had left him."  

Samson's strength was not in his hair.. it was in the Lord.  Samson had taken his strength for granted and trusted in himself instead of trusting in his God.  It is only later, after Samson has suffered for a while, that he calls upon the Lord.  This is the first time we hear him pray.  "Adonai Elohim, just this once, please, think of me, and please, give me strength , so that I can take revenge on the Philistines for at least one of my two eyes."   God answered that prayer.  Samson pulled the two pillars supporting the temple of Dagon, the god of the Philistines, and the whole building collapsed.  "So he kills more at his death than he had killed during his life."  

The Philistines continued to plague Israel until the days of King David.  Israel didn't change during the days of Samson. He is said to have judged Israel 20 years.  But, what did he really do?

What was true of Samson was true of Israel.. they "didn't know that Adonai had left [them]"
They listened to the lies of false religions and failed to follow the Lord.  Time after time they trusted in the idols that could not save them.  Israel became corrupt.  They became morally abhorrent.

The pattern of corruption and failure is not unique to Israel. We see it happening before our eyes in our own country.  Evil is called good and good is called evil.  God will do what He says He will do, for He is Holy and Just.  No nation will go unpunished for doing evil and forsaking the Lord.  More than ever we need to pray for our land.

Father in heaven, forgive us for the sins that plague our land. Bring repentance and revival.  Help us to seek You and find You. May we cry out to You and seek to  return to Truth and Righteousness.  You are Adonai Elohim, the Lord God who is self-existent, holy, infinite, wise, and good.  Raise up Your church to fulfill Your purposes in preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ, who is above all and who will forever reign.   In His name we pray,    Amen.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Judges 11-12  These chapters tell the story of a man named  Yiftach/ Jephthah who was a Gileadite.
This man was known as a "valiant warrior".  He was also known as the son of a prostitute. Gilead, his father, had other sons by his wife.  When they were grown, his brothers chased Jephthah away so that he could not inherit anything from his father's estate.

But, God had other plans for Jephthah.  When the sons of Ammon came to fight against Israel, the "elders of Gilead" sent for Jephthah to come and be their chief.  "Did you not hate me and drive me from my father's house? So why have you come to me now when you are in trouble?"  Jephthah replied.   This reminds me of what God said to the Israelites in chapter 10:14 "Go cry out to the gods which you have chosen; let them deliver you... "  Jephthah had been rejected, until he was their only hope.  The people had to agree that, if Jephthah came and helped them, then they would make him the leader of their clan.  And so, they did.

Jephthah not only returned to Gilead, but he made sure that everything was witnessed  "in the presence of Adonai" ( v11)  God's hand was on Jephthah throughout this time.  He acted wisely and trusted the Lord in every choice he made.
He sent messengers to the king of Ammon to see if they could resolve the situation peacefully.
When the king made false accusations, Jephthah corrected him according to the Word.
Jephthah tried to reason with the king of Ammon, asking him why he was trying to take the land after 300 years of Israelite occupancy.
Then, when Ammon would not listen, Jephthah, filled by the Spirit of God, went to war.
And God gave the victory!

Yet, a sad thing happened to Jephthah.  He vowed to the Lord...if the Lord gave him success... that he would sacrifice a burnt offering to the Lord when he returned to his home... the first thing that came out of his house.  When he returned home, the first one to come to greet him from his home was his only child, his daughter.  His heart broken, Jephthah kept his vow and his daughter gave up herself.

Later, the tribe of Ephraim took up a quarrel with Jephthah, complaining that they were left out of the battle with Ammon.  Jephthah had called them, but they did not come, so he went without them.  They ended up fighting with one another and Gilead defeated Ephraim.  Jephthah was judge for 6 years before he died.  Several other judges followed his term of service as recorded in Judges 12:8-15 and then came Samson.

Rejection did not keep Jephthah from being the Lord's servant. 
Heart break did not keep Jephthah from being the Lord's servant. 
False accusations did not keep Jephthah from being the Lord's servant. 

We see a heart for God, in a place we may not have expected to see it.. the rejected son of a prostitute, exiled from his own home by his own brothers.  Oh, how thankful we are that God does not look at the outward appearance but at our hearts!   No matter what rejection and heartbreak we might face.. no matter what false accusations have been flung at us.. God still can use us when we seek to follow Him.

Jesus was rejected by the religious leaders of His day.  He was abandoned by His own disciples and His own brothers,  when He was arrested. False accusations were flung at Him during His illegal trial. He was crucified unjustly.  But, He did it all willingly.. for our salvation.

Father in heaven, we need Your Spirit to fill us once again, that we might stand firm in the midst of those who reject us, revile us, accuse us, and break our hearts.  You see our hearts and You know that we are in need of Your Truth and Wisdom and Love.  Let the Kingdom of our Lord come and Your will be done, Lord God.  Help us, forgive us, heal us, and bring us peace.. in our lives, in our church, and in our country.  You are our refuge and strength.  Let the name of Jesus be glorified in us, Father, to the praise of Your holy name. amen.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Judges 10  There were several judges that arose and judged Israel for a number of years after Abimelech, but we are not given any details of those years.  Verse 6 tells us that after this time the people of Israel went back to doing evil, worshiping many false gods.  The Lord sent the Philistines and the Ammonites to overtake Israel.  For 18 years Israel was "afflicted and crushed". 

When they finally woke up and cried out to the Lord, they received this answer, "Did I not deliver you from the Egyptians, the Amorites, the sons of Ammon, and the Philistines? Also, when the Sidonians, the Amalekites and the Maonites, oppressed you, you cried out to Me and I delivered you for their hands. Yet you have forsaken Me and served other gods; therefore I will deliver you no more. Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your distress." ( v11-14)

It is at this point that the Israelites finally realize their mistake - they had chosen gods that could not save.
They had forsaken the only True God and chosen worthless idols.  They acknowledged their sin and threw themselves into God's hands.  It was then that He "became troubled by Israel's misery." 

What worthless choices have we made?  What or who have we chosen to trust in?  Have we put our faith in people or things that cannot save us?

Or like Peter, do we say, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God." ( John 6:68-69)

We need to make that choice and continue to abide in the Truth. We must not allow sin to draw us away from abiding, persevering faith in Jesus Christ.   The circumstances of our world today may feel like we are being "afflicted and crushed" just as Israel was.  We need to wake up and cry out to our Lord, turn away from any worthless gods, and seek Him only.

Father in Heaven,  Perfect, Holy, and Infinite God;  You are God in heaven and on earth and there is no other!  We choose to worship You in spirit and in Truth, according to Your Word.  We know that only You can save us.  Only You have the Words of life.  Father, we cry out to You for mercy in this time of trouble.  We seek Your deliverance from those who want to do evil in our country.  Give us boldness to stand firm, resisting evil.  Strengthen us with Your strength, for we are weak and You alone are strong. Let Your Light shine and Your Spirit fill us with the glory of Your grace.  You have revealed Yourself to us through Your Word.  Help us to cling to You and trust in You the grace and power of the name of our  Lord Jesus Christ we pray. amen.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Judges 9  Gideon had 71 sons.  70 were legitimate,  but 1 one the son of a concubine from Shechem.  This one, Abimelech, decided to become king.  He went to his mother's family and arranged for their support.  He hired "good-for-nothing thugs" to be his mercenaries.  He went back to his father's home and killed all but one of his brothers.  Jotham survived and challenged the people of Shechem with the truth of what they were doing...

They failed to remember how Gideon had helped them. (v 16)
They were dealing dishonestly. (v19)
God would repay them for their evil deeds. (v20)

And this is what happened.  Abimelech ended up killing the people from Shechem. (v49)
He ended up having a millstone dropped on his head and a sword run through him when he attacked Thebez. (v53)
None of them ended up with what they wanted.

God repaid Abimelech for "the wrong he did to his father in murdering his seventy brothers." 
"God also repaid the men of Shechem for all the wrong they had done;" (v56-57)

Ambition. Greed. Bitterness. Betrayal. Evil.
Sounds a bit like our world, doesn't it?
We have forgotten those who have fought for our country. Men of truth and integrity.  Soldiers, police officers.. and yes, even presidents..   Many want to tear down statues and rewrite history books.  Like Abimelech, there are some politically ambitious and bitter men and women who want to remake our country in their own image and they will do anything to make that happen.

But, we have a God who is the same today as He was in the days of Jotham.  He will punish sin and repay those who do evil.  Over and over the Word of God reminds us that "The Lord keeps all who love Him, But all the wicked He will destroy." ( Psalm 145:21)

No matter what voices we are listening to in today's political and social debates.. there is only One voice that truly matters, and that is our Lord's.  May we hear the words of Jotham, to deal in "truth and integrity".  May we honor those who are worthy of respect for what they have done.  And, may we acknowledge that God is sovereign and He will raise up leaders who will do what He desires. And most of all... "I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. " ( 1 Timothy 2:1-3)

Father in heaven,  we desire to honor You and to obey Your Word.  Nothing else in this world has any worth "in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus [our] Lord" ( Phil. 3:8)   Help us to realize this truth, perhaps more than ever before.  We are heartbroken at the state of our country today and we cry out to You for healing of hearts and bodies.  We seek Your face, coming to the Mercy seat in this time of need.  Let Truth and Righteousness arise, Sovereign God!  Let Your Name be lifted up and all other false altars be torn down forever!  Grant wisdom to Your people today, the wisdom from above that is " pure  then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. " ( James 3:17)   May all we do be done in Truth and with integrity.  We ask this in the name of Jesus who is the Way and the Truth and the Life.. amen.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Judges 6-8  After 40 years of rest, Israel once again "did what was evil".  This time the Lord gave the people of Midian power over Israel.  We are told that they were particularly cruel to the people of Israel, destroying their crops and causing them to hide themselves in mountains and caves.  They took every source of food, leaving nothing.. seeking only to destroy.

It is at this time that the Lord calls Gideon.  This call to serve begins with an unusual greeting.. "You valiant hero! Adonai is with you!" the angel of the Lord greets Gideon, as he secretly threshes wheat in the winepress so he won't be seen... hardly courageous or a warrior.

The Lord reassures Gideon of his call by burning up the offering he brings; by causing dew to fall on the fleece while the ground stays dry; and then agains causing the fleece to be dry while the ground is wet.  The Lord calls Gideon to pull down the altar to Baal and the sacred pole too.  Gideon obeys but does it in secret at night. When the people get angry, Gideon's father tells them to let Baal defend himself!

Finally, Gideon is ready to go into battle.  He calls for the army to gather and many come.  But, God sends most of them away so that only 300 are left.  Then He uses shofars and lanterns to overcome the enemies. Victory over Midian is complete.  Once again I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 12:9- "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."  God sent away thousands of soldiers and used a "weak" army of 300 men.. and no swords.. to bring about an amazing victory! The glory was His alone!

 But once again, Israel's faithfulness to God is short.. for 40 years later Gideon died... then:
"They forgot Adonai their God, who had saved them from the power of their enemies on every side; and they showed no kindness toward the family of Gideon, to repay them for all the good he had done for Israel. " 

I'm reminded by this passage that our God sees us... not as we see ourselves.. but as what we truly are when He is with us.  We may be as fearful as Gideon was.. or as cautious as he tried to be.. but God is still willing to use us to accomplish His purposes.  We may see ourselves as weak, and we are... so that is a good thing.. for our dependance on our all -powerful Lord is what is most important to any battle we face in this life. May we never forget our God!

Father in heaven, You are holy and exalted!  We praise You and worship You alone.  Help us to be completely dependent on You.. to be diligent in seeking You and obeying Your Word.  Open our ears to hear Your voice and our hearts to receive Your instructions.  Let Your glory and power be perfected in our weaknesses.  Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us.  Thank You for the victories You have prepared for us!  Let Your will be done in us as it is in heaven, we pray, in Jesus' name, amen.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Judges 3-4   The Lord "allowed" some of the nations to remain in the promised land of Israel, "to put to the test all the people of Israel".   (3:1)

Would the people that God called His own remain obedient to the covenant?  God chose to test them to see if they would be faithful.  All too soon, they failed.  They intermarried with the people of Canaan and began to serve their idols.  "Thus the people of Israel did what was evil from Adonai's perspective,  forgot Adonai, and served the Baals and the Asheroth." 

In His anger, Adonai sent Kushan-Risha'atayim to overtake Israel.  For 8 years they were in his hands.  But, when Israel cried out to the Lord, He raised up Othniel, sent the Holy Spirit upon him, and "he judged Israel".  He went to war and and prevailed.  For 40 years the land had rest.

But then...

Israel did evil.
Moab conquered and ruled for 18 years.
Israel cried out.
God gave them Ehud who killed Eglon, the king of Moab.
Israel had rest for 80 years.

But then...
Ehud died... Israel did evil..
This time Jabin, king of Canaan was given rule over Israel for 20 years.
Deborah became judge of Israel and Barak was sent to war against Canaan.
Victory was given.
Israel had 40 years of rest.

But then...

Over and over again.. generation after generation.. the sin of idolatry crept into the hearts of God's chosen people.  They failed the test.  They failed to remain faithful to their Lord.  Yet, again and again, God heard their cries and came to their rescue.

When Jesus told his disciples to forgive 70 times 7.. He knew what He was asking.  Our God is a forgiving God.  He is infinite in wisdom and understanding.. He knows our weaknesses.  He desires us to be pure and holy and faithful.. He chooses to test us so that He might refine us.. And thankfully He is infinitely patient.

Father, we feel that we are being tested by this virus pandemic.. yet it is nothing compared with the testing that Israel went through due to their rebellion against You.  Our nation is rebellious also. There is so much evil.  There are so many that have forgotten You and have failed to obey Your words. May we use this opportunity to repent and return to You and know Your deliverance.  Forgive us Lord Jesus and come reign and rule.  Help us to turn back and follow You.  By Your infinite mercies, shower our land with repentance and revival.  Our hope is in You!  Strengthen Your people that we will stand firm, resisting evil in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, for we cry out in His name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Judges 1-2 Under the leadership of Joshua, Israel entered the promised land and began to take possession of it.  But, after Joshua's death we see that the tribes failed to complete the task of driving out the inhabitants of the land as they were commanded.  Eventually this lead to disaster as they began to be influenced by the idolatry of these people.

Joshua's generation died off and the next generation did not know God. (2:10)

What a frightening and awful statement.  How could this be?  The people who had seen the Hand of God do amazing things on their behalf - parting the Jordan; knocking down the walls of Jericho; fighting their battles; and giving them rest from war - failed to raise their children up to know the Lord. 

Trouble began to come to Israel. God was angry at them and allowed them to be overcome.  Enemies rose up. Yet, when they cried out to Him, He sent a judge who would lead them to deliverance.  But, over and over again, they relapsed.  They chose idols and ignored God. They broke their covenant with Adonai their God and He handed them over to the enemy.

Two things that speak to me from this passage:

One, it is absolutely vital that we bring up our children to know and worship God alone.  We are responsible to get them to church, feed them the Word of God, and teach them how to walk in faith, trusting in Jesus. We need to be the examples and the leaders in our families.  We see what is happening in our world today because of the failure of our generation to live for and serve the Lord.  May God forgive us!

Secondly, the God who disciplined Israel because of their sin and rebellion against Him, will certainly discipline every nation that fails to acknowledge and obey Him.  Enemies will rise up against us, we will be plundered and overcome.. and unless we repent and turn back... we will fall.
May God help us!

Father in heaven,  You alone are the Sovereign God.  You possess all knowledge, all power, and all wisdom.  You have created all things and there is nothing.. and no one.. that is outside of Your rule.  You have given us a choice - to serve You or to rebel.  We are devastated and so sorry that our world is so full of rebellion and evil.  We see the consequences of this rebellion being dealt to every nation in our world today. Our only hope is Jesus.  We cry out to You in the name of the Savior who calls us to come and follow Him.  May the Word of God run freely and be glorified in our land, Lord God, and give ears to hear so that many more will be saved.  Stop those who are trying to put a basket over the Light. Deliver us from the evil one and his schemes.  Let the power of Jesus Christ be poured out into our lives, that in our weakness, You will be exalted!  Let the Kingdom of Christ come !  In Jesus' name . Amen.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

2 Corinthians 11-12

  Paul humbly considered himself a "fool" in comparison to others who had come to the church in Corinth trying to promote themselves as better leaders than him.  He only wanted the church to be safe from false teachers and to keep "simple and pure devotion to the Messiah".  

Paul's qualifications would not be the kind you would find on a modern resume.  He writes.. "I've worked much harder, been imprisoned more often, suffered more beatings, been near death over and over... "  These "weaknesses" Paul says, are what he will" boast about". 

Though Paul had great spiritual successes and amazing experiences of visions and miracles, he still admitted that he was weak.  He also suffered from " a thorn in [his] flesh".  He was told to rely on God's promise that -  " My grace is enough for you; My power is bought to perfection in weakness."  And he lived in reliance upon that promise.    Paul was not ashamed of his suffering or his weakness.. for he wanted only to see people saved and built up in Christ Jesus, so even his suffering was worth it.

Chapter 13 Paul ends this letter with a challenge:
"Examine yourselves to see whether you are living the life of trust.  Test yourselves."

How do we test ourselves?  "Don't you realize that Yeshua the Messiah is in you? - unless you fail to  pass the test?" What is the proof of Christ's presence in us?  It is not the same proof that Paul claimed - God's power brought to perfection in [our] weakness?  

His prayer was for them to be righteous and perfect in Jesus.  He prayed for their "shalom" - peace - wholeness and rest that is found in Christ alone.  We need to pray this too!

Father in heaven, we willingly confess that we are weak and that You alone are strong.  We want to be found doing what is right, living in reliance and confidence in Your amazing grace.  You are able to bring us to perfection in Christ Jesus.  We have no other hope.  Thank You for the assurance that we have that You will never fail us.  Your grace is sufficient for each of us. Let Your power be seen in us so that You will receive all glory and honor and that people will be saved through the word of our testimony.  Come and fill us Holy Spirit.  Let the love and power and goodness of Christ be manifested in our lives today.  Amen.

Monday, August 10, 2020

2 Corinthians 10

Paul's heart desire was to see the church thrive and grow.. to become perfect, mature and righteous.  This was his prayer. This was his purpose in ministry.  This was the mission that God appointed for him to do.  But, other "emissaries" had come in and challenged Paul's authority.  The last few chapters in this letter address this issue.

In this chapter, Paul testifies that he is fighting for the truth to be made known. He was fighting for them!  He wanted the church to acknowledge his authority as God's emissary so that they would be built up, not torn down.

His weapons "are not worldly", Paul says.  He fights using "God's power for demolishing strongholds." He will "demolish arguments.. and arrogance".  He will "take every thought captive and make it obey the Messiah".  Paul's weapons are truth, righteousness, peace, salvation.. the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.  Paul does not want to commend himself in this battle- for the battle belongs to the Lord.  "So let anyone who wants to boast, boast about Adonai."

As we listen closely to the Shepherd's voice today.. what is it that He wants us to know - personally? What do we need to do - in and for our church ? Let us examine ourselves in light of these words:

First of all, do we have a passion for our church?   Do I have.. do we have.. a passion for our church to grow spiritually?  To be pure? To be mature?  Are we praying this way?  Are we fighting for this? Have we made that a priority in our lives?

Secondly,  what is our attitude toward  the authority that God has placed in our church?  Is the leadership of our church using the godly weapons of truth, righteousness, peace,  and salvation ?  Is  the sword of the Spirit.. the Word of God being preached? Is the  shield of faith extinguishing Satan's arrows? Are we being taught to demolish arguments and take our thoughts captive- in obedience to Christ Jesus? ( Thankful that I can say "Yes" and "Amen" to this!)

Lastly, can each of us honestly say that we are boasting in the Lord and in nothing else?  Are we willing to admit our own weaknesses and lack of worthiness outside of Jesus Christ?

Father, Your great love and desire is for the Church to be perfected and beautiful, ready to be presented as the Bride of the Lord Jesus.  We pray for the power of Your Spirit to work in each of us so that we can be made whole, complete, and perfect; ready  for that day.  May we encourage one another, pray for one another, exhort one another, and help one another.. coming alongside other churches that are struggling... as well as building up our own church.  May we have a true passion for the work that You have called us to do in our individual church families.  Be glorified and exalted and magnified in Your church today, we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, August 7, 2020

2 Corinthians 8-9  This section of Paul's letter focuses on generosity.  He begins by telling about the generosity of the churches in Macedonia.  These churches were experiencing many trials and were "desperately poor"  - but in spite of that they were giving towards the offering that Paul was collecting for the church in Jerusalem.  In fact, they "begged and pleaded.. for the privilege of sharing  in this service for God's people."  More importantly, they first" gave themselves to the Lord".  May this be the testimony for our church today.

Paul encouraged the church in Corinth to also give generously as they had promised. Paul gives us some important truths about giving:

v7 - we should aim to  "excel" in giving as much as we strive to excel in faith, speech, knowledge, diligence and love..
v8 - our giving is a test of our love, our earnestness, and our sincerity.
v9 - our giving is a reflection of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself, becoming poor for our sake.
v 10-11 - it is important to finish what we start in regard to our promises or intentions in giving.
v12 - our giving should be with "eagerness" ;
The amount we give is not what matters; it is accepted and measured- by what we have, not by what we don't have;
v14 - our giving to those in need may one day be reciprocated when we are in need and others can help us by their generosity.
v 16-24 - those receiving or overseeing the gifts must be careful to "take pains to do what is right not only in the sight of God but also in the sight of other people."  

9:1-5  A zeal for giving is not enough, we must follow through.
v7  Giving is a personal decision - "Each should give according to what he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 
v8  When we give cheerfully and generously we can be assured that  "God has the power to provide you with every gracious gift in abundance, so that always in every way you will have all you need yourselves and be able to provide abundantly for every good cause.." 
v 11 - We are "enriched" by being generous.
God is glorified and receives thanks when we are generous.
v13-15  Unity and love are increased as we give generously to those in need.

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift." 

Father in heaven, You have given us the indescribable gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, Your Son, who died for us.  You have given us everything.. for truly there is nothing that we have that has not come from You.  You are gracious and kind.  We give You thanks.  Father, we have found it true that You supply all we need so that we can give to others.  We can never out-give You.  We can give eagerly and generously and cheerfully as we strive to excel in this area of our walk with You, because we know You love us and will provide.  May we be fully surrendered to following Your lead in giving.  We ask for wisdom, integrity, and discernment.  We pray that You will be glorified and that thanksgiving will overflow to You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

2 Corinthians 7:1

 "... since we have these promises.. "   The promises that God made: 
           "I will house myself in them and I will walk among you. 
  I will be their God, and they will be my people. 
           Therefore,Adoani says,' Go out from their midst ;
            separate yourselves;
 don't even touch what is unclean. 
           Then I myself will receive you. 
            In fact, I will be your Father, 
            and you will be my sons and daughters.'"    (6:16-18)

He has made these promises to you and to me.  He has come to live in each of us who have trusted in Jesus Christ.   He has chosen to walk here among us. He has chosen us to be His people, to be His children.  He has called us to can we do any less than what Paul wrote here:

 "let us purify ourselves from everything that can defile either body or spirit, and strive to be completely holy, out of reverence for God." 

What is it that we need to get rid of.. out of our lives..  today?  What is defiling our bodies?  What is defiling our spirits? How are we pursuing holiness - coming apart from the world, separating ourselves from what is unclean?
How are our actions pleasing to  our Father in heaven?
How are we showing reverence for Him who has called us His own?

Father in heaven, may Your Holy Spirit fill our hearts and minds today, that we might walk in purity and reverence.   Reveal to us the things in our lives that we need to change, so that we might truly come apart from the world and walk in holiness, honoring You in everything.  We are the temple of the living God.. may we not forget this for one second on this earth.  May we live for You, as Your chosen people, Your sons and daughters.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

2 Corinthians 6 

Verse 1 "As God's fellow workers we also urge you not to receive His grace and then do nothing with it." (CJB) 

The Grace of God - "the good pleasure of God that inclines Him to bestow benefits upon the undeserving," Tozer wrote. " It is a self-existent principle inherent in the divine nature and appears to us as a self-caused propensity to pity the wretched, spare the guilty, welcome the outcast, and bring into favor those who were before under disapprobation."   Tozer goes on to say this, "Grace takes its rise far back in the heart of God, in the awful and incomprehensible abyss of His holy being; but the channel through which it flows out to men is Jesus Christ, crucified and risen."   We can come to God in the only way that any can come - "by grace, through faith".   His grace is infinite and eternal. It has no beginning and no end.  It is boundless!

We can trust God's grace. And, as Paul wrote, let our trust not be in vain.. let us do something with it!

Paul gives us a great example of what this means.. to trust God's infinite, amazing grace. 

By grace we can endure, even as he did, "troubles, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonment, riots, overwork, lack of sleep, and food." (v4-5) -[ pandemics; politics; protests; etc!]

By God's grace we can live in "purity, knowledge, patience, and kindness; by the Holy Spirit; by genuineness of love and truthfulness of speech, and by God's power." ( v6-7) 

By God's grace we can take up righteous weapons for the cause of Christ.  Whether we are "honored" or "dishonored"; "praised" or "blamed";  "considered deceptive" or "sincere";  "unknown" or "famous";  God's grace is sufficient for us - it is an infinite fountain of goodness towards us from the One who calls us His own... who calls us "Son" or "Daughter". 

No matter what we are facing today.. personally or corporately.. God's grace has not and will not fail. 

Father, Gracious God, in whom we fully rest.. may we say, even as Paul, your servant, said, "We may be heading towards death, 'yet look, we are alive!'.  We may have every reason to be sad, 'yet always filled with joy'; We may have nothing, 'yet having everything'"  We can absolutely trust in Your never ending, powerful, perfect, and unlimited grace towards us in Christ Jesus. Fill our hearts with rejoicing and praise as we think on these things. "All thanks be to God for grace abounding". In the name of Jesus Christ, who brought grace and truth..    Amen and amen. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

2 Corinthians 5

Verse 1, "We know that when the tent ( our earthly body) which houses us here on earth is torn down, we have a permanent building from God, a building not made by human hands, to house us in heaven." 

We can be encouraged and receive great assurance through the truths that Paul shares here.. make it personal:

1. This human, mortal body that I have is temporary.
2. God has planned and prepared for me an eternal, immortal, building... body.
3.I groan now. ( too true- the older I get)
4. I long for the perfect body that is mine forever.
5. This body is "naked"... without covering; without protection; oppressed; burdened;
6. When I receive my new body I will truly be alive. I will be covered..I will share in the righteousness of Christ.
7. God is preparing me for the future I cannot see.
8. When I leave this body.. I will be going home.

Verse 9 "Therefore, whether at home or away from home, we try our utmost to please Him." 

 More Truths:
Everyone ( I)  will appear before "the Messiah's court of judgement". 
I will give account for what I do while in this body.
He knows each of us "as we really are". (He knows me as I really am.)
 He views our "inner qualities".  (He views my inner qualities.)
We are new creations in Christ.  (I am a new creation in Christ Jesus!)

As His ambassadors we are called to share the Good News with others:
".. we are convinced that one man died on behalf of all mankind." (v14)
".. He died on behalf of all in order that those who live should not live any longer for themselves but for the one who on their behalf died and was raised. " (v15)

God reconciled us to Himself so that we in turn can share this message. We are His servants to lead others to reconciliation with God. "God is making His appeal through us." (v20)

Father in Heaven , thank You for making "this sinless man" Jesus Christ to "be a sin offering on our behalf, so that in union with him we may fully share in [Your] righteousness.."  Thank you for not counting our sins against us.. Thank You for the ministry of reconciliation.  Help us to be bold and faithful in proclaiming Your truth to a world in desperate need of salvation. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 3, 2020

2 Corinthian's 3-4

Paul calls the church "a letter from the Messiah".. written by "the Spirit of the Living God".. on "human hearts".   The Spirit of God is doing a work in the hearts of believers that will bring more and more glory to God.. a lasting glory.. an unfading glory!  The glory God brings to us by the Holy Spirit is seen as we continue to gaze on His glory.  We are changed "from one degree of glory to the next". 

Jesus died so that the veil ( of the Law)  would be taken away.  He also overcomes the veil of darkness that the devil  uses to blind the minds of those in the world.  "For it is the God who once said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' who has made his light shine in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of God's glory shining in the face of the Messiah Jesus." 

I find myself really thinking about these statements:

First, God is at work in us, His church, to display His glory.. ever increasing in degree.  Can His "overwhelming power"  be seen in us.. a "treasure in clay jars" - to His glory.? Through troubles, trials, persecution, or anything this life affords.. we should have the assurance that in Christ "... our light and transient troubles are achieving for us an everlasting glory whose weight is beyond description."  
Is this our reality today? Is God's glory seen in us, in our church.. more and more?

Secondly,  the Lord God who created light with a word.. shines His light into hearts... through Jesus, who has overcome the darkness and makes the blind to see!  He is able to bring Light to anyone. What a prayer to offer up for those who are still walking in darkness!

Father, may the Light of the knowledge of Your glory, which shines in and  through Jesus Christ be displayed in Your people, so that the whole world will  be set free from the veil that keeps men and women from seeing You and from knowing You.  Deliver us from the evil one and bring us into the fullness of Christ Jesus our Lord. Let Your glory being magnified in all the earth.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.