Monday, May 11, 2020

Romans 6   Paul teaches here that when we are immersed or baptized into Christ Jesus we have been "immersed into His death".  We are so united with Jesus that His death is our death.  And His resurrection Life is our resurrected life.  Our old self has died.  We are no longer slaves to sin.  We are no longer slaves to legalism.  "... consider yourselves to be dead to sin but alive for God, by your union with the Messiah Yeshua." 

Our new life is in union with Jesus.   Just as He "keeps on living for God..."  we are to live for God.
".. offer yourselves to God as people alive from the dead, and your various parts to God as instruments for righteousness."  ( v13)

Once again we see the clear division, there are only two choices...  and every one of us must  choose -  we will either be a slave to sin - or a slave to righteousness.

If we obey the slave -ownership of sin it will lead to death.  There is "no benefit" in this relationship,   there is only shame.  Jeremiah 12:13 says, " They have sown wheat and have reaped thorns, they have strained themselves to no profit.  Be be ashamed of your harvest, because of the fierce anger of the Lord." The harvest is impurity and and lawlessness. Lawlessness, which  leads to more lawlessness.    Wickedness which leads to more wickedness. This way, the broad way, "leads to destruction" Jesus says.  ( Matthew 7:13)  ".. the bad tree bears bad fruit." ( v17b)

But, we have been bought with a great price!  A new owner has come and taken us down from the slave market block and has set us free.  We can consider ourselves dead to that old master, for we have  been delivered by grace.   We are now able to live.  Our new owner is God.  We are slaves of righteousness and we willingly obey Him who has bought us!  There is a benefit to this new ownership - ".. freed from sin and enslaved to God, you do get the benefit - it consists of being made holy, set apart for God, and its end result is eternal life. " (v22)

In obedience, we "offer [our] various parts as slaves to righteousness, which leads to being made holy, set apart for God."  As God's slaves we offer our hands, our feet, our mouths... our whole selves, from the heart.. in submission to Him. Our attitude is one of thankfulness and love for our Savior. As we obey Him and offer ourselves to Him... He sanctifies us..  He clothes us in holy robes of righteousness and love and peace.. He makes us blameless to stand before Him.  "... the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

Father in heaven, how can we say thank you enough?  We praise You and bless Your Name.  We proclaim these truths.. In Jesus we are no longer slaves to sin, we are dead to that master!  We are slaves to righteousness through Christ Jesus and we will obey Your voice and walk in Your ways by the power of Your Spirit until that day when we will finally be able to stand in Your Presence forevermore. Be glorified in our lives in every act of obedience we pray..  Amen and amen!

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