Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Deuteronomy 5-6

Israel and Adonai entered a covenant relationship at Horeb.  Adonai spoke to them from the fire and they heard His voice for themselves.  The Laws that the Lord gave Israel were meant for their good. "You are to follow the entire way which Adonai your God has ordered you; so that you will live, things will go well with you, and you will live long in the land you are to possess." ( v33) 

God had chosen Israel because He loved Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He brought them out of Egypt.. out of bondage, revealing His great power and presence with them.  They needed to "know and establish it in [their] heart, that Adonai is God in heaven and on earth below - there is no other."
God had shown them His heart - for them- offering a covenant relationship like none other.  In response, Israel's was to "love Adonai your God with all you heart, all your being, and all your resources." ( 6:5)  The core of this covenant between Adonai and Israel was always meant to be love!

The commandments are good because they protect lives, bring peace, wholeness, and well -being to the individual and to the nation.  Moses wrote that they should "listen".. "learn".. and "take care to obey" all of God's "law and rulings."

"I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves. You are to have no other gods before me. You are not to make for yourselves a carved image... "   If only Israel would have obeyed these first two commandments!  It should have been a no-brainer, as they say... How could they.. how could anyone trust in any idol made of wood, stone, or any man-made thing after they had experienced the Presence of God Himself?   Yet, they failed time after time.. and there are still millions of lost souls who bow down to false idols or serve things created instead of the Creator.

"You are not to misuse the name of Adonai your God. "   When the name of the Lord is misused for evil, for destruction, for deception, for a lie, or for anything useless and not kept HOLY.. He will  "not leave unpunished.. "  the one who "misuses His name."  As Jesus taught His disciples to pray.. "Hallowed be Your Name" reflects on this commandment that we often pass over as simply a caution on swearing..

" Observe the day of Shabbat" the Sabbath day was God's gift to His people.  It is a day that is holy.  It is a day where all people.. slaves or masters.. and even the animals were allowed to rest.  It was meant to be for the well-being of all. How sad that the Jewish leaders ended up making it just the opposite - a day of hardship and judgement and unnecessary guilt..

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name!  Help us to know and establish in our own hearts the truths of Your Word that we might truly desire Your will to be done. that we might love You with all of our hearts, all of our beings.. and all of our resources.  Thank You for the covenant of Love that You have given to us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

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