Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Romans 14  As we lay down our lives as living, holy sacrifices to our  merciful God, and as we clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus; we begin to  exhibit His character.  Paul tells us that we will show respect and honor and love to all.. including those in authority over us.  In this section Paul gets personal...

Sometimes we will disagree with each other!  In Rome the issues had to do with certain foods and certain holy days.  Our issues today are different,  but the principles that Paul taught still apply and are really helpful:

First,  don't judge each other.  Each person has to decide for themselves.. be "fully convinced in his own mind".. what is acceptable and what is not. We really need to think carefully about our choices.. for it is between each of us and our Lord.  We are God's servants and we "stand or fall" before Him.

Second, whatever decision we make about an issue needs to be something that will honor the Lord.
Is our choice something we can give thanks to the Lord for? Is it something we want to bring into our relationship with Jesus?

Thirdly, we need to practice love and patience.  Paul says to ".. make this one judgement -not to put a stumbling block or snare in a brother's way."  Whatever ways we disagree with one another about a particular action or food or drink or whatever.. is not more important than living in "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.." 

Father in heaven, help us to love and forgive one another. Help us to practice love and patience, accepting and welcoming those who might have a different opinion from us. You are the God who "gives perseverance and encouragement.."  Please.. "grant us to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus that with one accord we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." ( 15:5-6)  Amen!

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