Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Romans 8   We greatly rejoice in the words that we read here!  Starting with the very first verse:

"Therefore, there is no longer any condemnation awaiting those who are in union with the Messiah Yeshua."
We have been set free from the old masters of sin and death!  We belong to Jesus now!
Because He came..
Because He lived as a "human being with a nature like our own sinful one, but without sin"..
Because He met the requirements of the Torah, the Law...
Because He died and rose again!
Because He has given us His Spirit...

We are not condemned.  We are free to live in union with Christ Jesus.  We are free to live in obedience to the Holy Spirit.  We are able to "keep putting to death the practices of the body". 
We are made "sons of God". 
We call to Him.. "Abba!"

Paul tells us that all of creation is waiting for that day when we, "the sons of God" will be revealed.. when we will be wholly "redeemed and set free".. our bodies as well as our souls.  This is our HOPE, and that day is drawing nearer!

We wait with "perseverance".  
We wait with the help of the Holy Spirit who "pleads on our behalf". 
We wait as our loving God "causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose." 
We wait, trusting the One who knew us "in advance";  who "determined in advance [that we]would be conformed to the pattern of His Son".  The One who called us; The One who considers us "righteous".  The One who glorifies us!

Would God be against us after all He has done for us?  No!
Would Jesus be against us after He died for us? No!
Can anyone or anything separate us from Him?  NO!
No "trouble.. hardship...hunger.. poverty.. danger.. war.."  Nothing can separate us from Him.
"No,"  Paul writes, " in all these things we are super conquerors, through the one who has loved us." 

Father in heaven,  our Mighty God and Loving Master,  You have not condemned us. You have not left us in slavery to sin and death.  Hallelujah!  You have bought us with a great Price!  We are Yours completely and we eagerly await that day when our hope will be fulfilled and we will be completely redeemed and free forever!  You are not against us and will always be for us.. let that Truth transform our minds and lives. Help us to know the greatness of Your Love, more and more and more.  Spirit, plead for us!  Jesus, intercede for us!  That we might know You and walk in union with You every moment of every day.  To God be the glory!  amen.

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