Friday, May 22, 2020

Deuteronomy 1
 It is the first day of the eleventh month of the fortieth year. Moses gives a final review of all that had happened up until that moment in time.. standing at the door of the promised land.  Moses knows that he will not be entering the land. He just wants those who are going in to be ready.

He reminds the people of the rebellion of their fathers.  They were "burdensome, bothersome, and quarrelsome.." !  They refused to go take possession of the land when they were told to do so.  They decided to go up when they were told not to!  What a mess.

Moses does not want this new generation to make the same mistakes as their predecessors.
Isn't that what we pray for too?

The mistakes we made in our lives are way too burdensome, bothersome, and rebellious.  We are thankful for the redemption and forgiveness that we have found in our Lord Jesus, but we would rather our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren avoid those sins and their consequences.
What can we do but pray?

There are a few principles here that make great prayers..

We can pray that God will raise up "wise, understanding, and knowledgable" leaders.. in our country, our churches, and our families.. ( v13)
We can pray that our children and their children will not be easily dismayed or fearful, but that they would trust God.. knowing that what He provides "is good".  ( v21,25)
We can pray that they will recognize and be thankful for all God had already done for them. ( v29-30)
We can pray that God will go with them and that they will "fully follow" Him, like Caleb did. (v36)

We can encourage them to trust God and obey His directions.. to take possession of the "riches of His kindness" towards them in Christ Jesus. ( Col. 2:3)

Father in heaven,  these are  our prayers for our children and for their children. We ask that You would bless them and keep them, that You would shine Your Light on them and that You would be gracious and kind to them.  We pray that You would lift up Your countenance on them, that they might know Your Presence and hear Your voice and follow You fully.  We pray that they will find shalom - wholeness, happiness, and rest - in Jesus, the Good Shepherd who cares for them.  Bring them through the trials of this life, strong in faith and love and hope, through Jesus Christ the Mighty Lord and Savior of us all.  We pray this in His name. Amen.

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