Monday, May 25, 2020

Deuteronomy 2-3  Moses summarized the journey up to the point where Israel stood - awaiting the day they would cross the Jordan and possess the land that God would give them.  God had blessed them with everything they needed for those 40 years and they "lacked nothing".  He had also kept His promise that none of those who had refused to enter the land previously would be alive to see the day that their children went in and possessed it.

Moses also reminded the people that God kept His covenants with Esau and with Lot.. not allowing Israel to take their land as they traveled through. But, He did give them the land of Bashan and Moab.

It was God that handed the land over to them.. but they had to take possession of it.  The same would happen when Israel crossed the Jordan and took the Promised land. Joshua was encouraged to remember what God had already done and know without doubt that He would complete His promise to Israel.

Moses ended chapter 3 with a final plea to God.. that he be allowed to set foot in the promised land. But, that request was denied.  The most he would be able to do was look at it from the top of the mountain.  We don't always get what we want.. but we know that God always knows best.

40 years.. the life span of my daughter.. and I can testify that through ups and downs and struggles and joys.. we have "lacked nothing"!  God has kept us in His hands.  He has blessed us with great kindness and given us strength through struggles.  Thank You Father!

There is a Promised Land that we look forward to.. greater still than the land that Israel received! Our Lord Jesus is King of that land.  He will bring us there and we will dwell with Him forever!
The battle has already been won.  He will keep every promise and bring us safely into His Kingdom .

Father, once again, this Truth fills my heart with joy!  You have brought us through the wilderness and we will one day soon enter the Promised Land of Heaven, to be in Your Presence forever. Thank You for loving us and for being our faithful and mighty God, for providing all we have needed along our journeys.  Keep our eyes focused on You and on the great Hope that You have given us. May our lives reflect the beauty of Your grace and mercy and love, that many more will take hold of the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.. so that they might also enter the land with us..  In His name we pray. amen.

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