Friday, May 15, 2020

Romans 11  Paul wanted his Gentile readers to know that God has not rejected His chosen people -the Jews.  ".. there is a remnant, chosen by grace.."  All through the history of Israel there has been this same promise - a remnant, true to God, who would remain faithful.   Just because some rejected Jesus the Messiah, does not mean that God is through with the Jews.

On the contrary, Paul argues, it is because the Jews stumbled that the Gentiles are delivered!  God had a greater plan - He will save the Jews and the Gentiles - both!  Paul warns the Gentiles to not be arrogant, thinking that they are better than the Jews, but instead to help them turn to Jesus.. even provoking them to jealousy in order to save them!

Paul makes this important argument.. . " .. Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before you received mercy now because of Israel's disobedience; so also Israel has been disobedient now, so that by your showing the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive God's mercy. For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all. " ( v30-32)

God's plan is so much greater than we can understand.  He chose Israel to be His people.  He gave them His promises and His commands.   Then, He gave them a Messiah.  God knew that His Son would be rejected, crucified, and laid in a tomb.  He also knew that He would raise Him up from the dead to be the Savior of all who would trust in His atonement sacrifice - Jew or Gentile.  He has shown mercy to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews.. and in view of that mercy, Paul says, "offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God.. " ( 12:1)

Merciful and Mighty God,  You are unsearchable in all Your ways,  We cannot know the depth of Your wisdom and knowledge.  ".. from [You] and through [You] and to [You] are all things. " To You be glory and honor.. forever and ever!  Thank You for the riches of Your mercy, given to us that we might be called Your children! In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.

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