Thursday, May 28, 2020

Deuteronomy 5

The first 3 commandments establish the relationship that we are meant to have with our God.  They were given to Israel as a covenant of love... Adonai, the One and only God, wanted them to know Him and that meant they had to forsake all others.  Our God desires for us to walk in Truth and Light, not the darkness and evil that try to deceive us through idols that are worthless, that can destroy our lives.  When we come to know the Lord our God, we will see through the lies of worldly thinking.
We will acknowledge Him as the Lord of heaven and earth.. and there is no other!  We will honor His Name and we will cherish His Sabbath rest, which we have in Christ Jesus.

The rest of the commandments  also were given for the people to live, to have wisdom and understanding, to make their new land a great land and the people an inheritance for Adonai Himself.

V16 "Honor your father and mother.. " God established the home as a building block of society.  This basic, seemingly simple command, is actually so profound.. so a nations well-being. We see proof in the news every day what happens when this law is transgressed.. broken homes, violence, depression, rebellion... it's a downward spiral from there.  There is tragedy after tragedy around the world that began with the destruction of the family.  Can we even imagine a place where families are intact, where children respect and honor their parents?  What a nation Israel would be if they would go back to the 10 commandments!

V17-21 "Do not murder.  Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not give false evidence against your neighbor. Do not covet..  anything that belongs to your neighbor."  God gave clear laws that establish what is sin in His sight. To keep His laws.. to "be careful  to do as Adonai your God has ordered you;"  brings about a good result.. "you will live, things will go well with you, and you will live long in the land you are about to possess." 

Father in heaven, You have written Your laws on our hearts so that we might live.  Through Christ Jesus we have found forgiveness for our sins and a new life of holy living.  We see that Your Laws are good and profitable, yet we know that "all have sinned and fallen short"  of fully obeying them.
We pray that Israel will return to You and humble themselves before You once again.  We pray that our nation will also be one to join herself to You and be Your people.  There is such sorrow and sinfulness here, Lord.  But, we know that You are LORD of heaven and earth and there is no other, so we pray that You would heal our land and bring us back to Your Word.  May Your Kingdom Come!
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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