Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mark 6:45- 56

What can we learn about God's kingdom from this passage?

Jesus sends His disciples away in a boat.
He sends the multitude away on land.
He heads up the mountain to pray.
He walks across the water in the early morning hours.. in a great wind.
He frightens the disciples at first...
 and then gets in the boat with them.
And, he sees that their hearts are still hardened....

But, when they get across the sea of Galilee something remarkable is waiting:

He is immediately recognized.
The people "ran about the whole country and began to carry.. those who were sick.."
In every village there were people waiting for Him.. just to touch "the fringe of His cloak."
".. and as many as touched it were being cured." 

This was the same general area where Jesus had delivered the Legion of demons out of the man and sent them into the pigs.  This is the same area where the people asked Him to go away! This is the same area where the delivered man went about telling everyone what "great things the Lord [had] done.. " (Mark 5:19-20)  A great transformation  had happened in that land. The Kingdom had come.

The Kingdom of God.. Jesus said.. is like a mustard seed.. so small.  But, when sown in good soil it grows large enough for the birds to make nests.  The disciples still had some growing to do.  But, Jesus was revealing so much to them.. and their faith had to be increasing as they saw and experienced His power and authority in these amazing events.

And so we learn, that the testimony of one man.. one unlikely, raving, demon-filled.. and delivered man.. can change a country.  In God' s Kingdom.. nothing is impossible.
And we learn that even those who just reach out to touch Jesus.. will find that He is enough.

Father in heaven, may we be transformed by You.  May we abide in Christ and may our hearts be filled with faith.  Let our eyes see Your glory and our ears hear Your voice.  May we not be afraid.. but keep our eyes on Jesus.  Thank You for this Word.  Be glorified today in all of our lives.
We pray in Jesus' name. amen.

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