Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mark 13  Jesus talks about the end of the age of mankind.  He invites His disciples into this conversation by telling them that the temple.. that beautiful and solid building made of stone.. would one day be torn apart.  What they never considered possible, this place that they cherished and revered.. would be destroyed.

When?  That is always the question, isn't it?  What signs?  How can we know? How long, Lord?

Jesus gives us some things to pay attention to, and tells us to be alert!

Don't be mislead by false christs.. they will come.
Don't be afraid of wars, earthquakes, or famines... they will happen.
Be prepared for persecution.. it will happen.

Don't worry about what to say - for the Holy Spirit will speak for you.
Be ready when you are betrayed by your own family.
Be ready to leave behind all you have.
Be ready for a tribulation like never seen on the earth - more devastating than even the flood.

Take heed.
Take heed.
Take heed...
Be on the alert!

The time will come when Christ will return and we cannot know when that will be, but He tells us still to take heed and be alert.  Jesus is coming in the clouds with "great power and glory". 

Father in heaven, help us to be ready, to not be asleep and unprepared.  It is so easy to be caught up in the busyness of this world, to be preoccupied with work and family and entertainment. Like the disciples there are structures that we cannot imagine falling.. but they will.  Open our eyes to what is unseen and yet more real than the material things of this world. Help us to know that You are near and Your Kingdom is coming soon.  May we wait with eager expectation for that day.  We wait on You with absolute dependence and hope, that You will complete in us all that You have prepared for each of us. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.. and may we take heed and be alert, ready for that day. In the name of Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen.

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